Complaints and Concerns
See the steps involved in reporting a formal complaint, grievance or concern.
Step 1: Contact appropriate school staff
- The most direct route to resolving a concern is for parents/guardians to first conference directly with the involved party (teacher, coach, etc.).
- More than 95% of concerns are resolved by a conversation between those involved.
Step 2: Contact campus administrator
- Campus administrators are responsible for the school's operations.
- Clarification of school policies and procedures can be explained.
- If necessary, conferences with involved parties can be arranged and a suitable solution can be reached.
Step 3: Contact Student Services office
- If steps one and two have not resolved your concern, the Student Services office should be contacted at 972-487-4369. A meeting with all involved parties can be arranged in an effort to reach a resolution.
- At this step the formal complaint process can be filed, if necessary.
Formal Complaint Process - Level 1
If you have gone through the previous informal steps of problem-solving and have not met a satisfactory conclusion, you may then move into the formal process by filing the following:
- Complaint received at the campus level within 15 days of incident
- Campus Investigation based on report and hold a conference with complainant within 10 days
- The original complaint form must be completed
- Seek resolution at lowest level
- Response in writing set forth basis of decision within 10 days
Level 1 complaint form
Spanish - Level 1 complaint form
Formal Complaint Process - Level 2
- Level One decision(s) may be appealed to Student Services only after the process has been followed and written appeal received within 10 days of the decision A conference will be set within 10 days of notice. All information is limited to the Level One issue.
- Written response within 10 days regarding decision at Level Two
Level 2 appeal notice
Spanish - Level 2 appeal notice
Step 4: Contact School Board
- The Garland ISD school board can be contacted by requesting a hearing through the superintendent's office.
- The Garland ISD Board of Trustees serves as an appeal body in resolving disputes.
Formal Complaint Process - Level 3
- The Level Two decision may be appealed to the Board of Trustees
- Written appeal must occur within 10 days of Level Two response
- Time, date and location will be provided to complainant
- All records will be included from Levels One and Two
- The Board will hear the complaint; but may not respond which upholds the administrative decision at Level Two