

Measles vaccine clinic March 13

Does your student need to get the measles vaccine, or is missing a second dose? We're offering a vaccine clinic on March 13 at the Student Services Center to complete immunizations for measles.

Hazel Health Telemedicine Program Ending

As of March 31, 2025, we will no longer be offering the Hazel Health Telemedicine program. We hope that this timely notice will provide our families with ample time to find alternative health options. Should the need arise, please reach out to your campus nurse for medical resources or your school counselor if you need mental health resources.

Health services and school nurses

We empower children and parents with the knowledge necessary to promote wellness and maintain healthy lifestyles so that students are prepared for a successful academic and life experience.

On this page

    Injuries and illnesses at school

    Every campus has a full-time registered nurse (RN) on-site. The school clinics are equipped to provide basic first aid only. All health services staff are CPR/AED certified and have received emergency preparedness training.

    If your child is seriously injured or seriously ill, we will immediately notify you or your authorized emergency contacts.

    Products used in the clinic

    Certain over-the-counter products are stocked in the clinic for treatment:

    • calamine lotion

    • Camphophenique

    • petroleum jelly

    • Mentholatum

    • saline eye wash

    Please inform the school nurse if you do not want your child to be treated with these products.

    Bacterial Meningitis

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    Managing health conditions

    Does your child have a chronic health problem? Are you looking for information and forms related to allergies, asthma, diabetes, and other special needs? See our managing health conditions page.

    Medicine at school

    Only medication that cannot be given outside of the school day will be administered at school (i.e. mealtimes, physician designated time, four times a day or greater.) All medication taken at school must be prescribed by a doctor or dentist licensed to practice in the State of Texas. School nurses must also have a signed parent request.

    Label requirements

    All medication must be in the original container and properly labeled with:

    • student’s name

    • name of medication

    • dosage and times to be taken.

    Giving medication to school/nurse

    All medications must be deposited with the school nurse or in the school office. It is recommended that only a 30 day supply be brought to school.

    It is strongly suggested that a parent deliver the medication to the clinic and remain to count the medication amount with school personnel.

    Unused medication

    Unused medication may be returned home with a student with written parent permission.

    Over-the-counter medications

    Over-the-counter medications like advil and cough drops will not be administered at school unless there is:

    1. A signed doctor’s order giving specific instructions for medication administration

    2. A signed parent request

    Students carrying their own medicine

    Students may carry and self-administer emergency rescue medication while at school or school functions with permission from parents, physician, and school nurse.

    Health screenings

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    Get vaccinated at our Student Services Clinic

    Our Student Services Clinic provides vaccines for Garland ISD students. The clinic offers:

    • A variety of no-cost vaccines for students that qualify (appointment required)

    Visit the Student Services Clinic page or contact the Student Services Clinic (972-494-8538) for more information.

    Contact us

    For questions about health screenings or about your child's health and related services, contact:
    For information about the district's health-related services, contact:

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