Volunteer in Our Schools
Find volunteer guidelines and possible opportunities at Garland ISD for parents, guardians and community members.

Our district values its partnerships with families, businesses, higher education institutions and community organizations. We encourage parents, guardians, and patrons of our district to become an active part of the success in our schools by sharing your time and talent as a volunteer.
Volunteer opportunities vary from campus to campus. Some opportunities may not be available at this time or may be restricted in the future.
Volunteer Guidelines
We offer multiple opportunities for our community to be engaged in effective education and healthy partnership with our schools. For the safety of all students, the Garland Independent School District requires all potential volunteers who will work at any campus receive a background check by the Department of Public Safety (DPS). This includes both in-person and virtual volunteers.
Find out more about the volunteer application process.
Volunteering as a community member
If you are a community member without children in one of our schools, please select "Student Services" as a building you would like to volunteer in when you fill out the application. This will allow our Family and Community Engagement Department to help connect you to campus and district volunteer opportunities.
Visitor access rules
All visitors must follow health and safety requirements when volunteering with the district.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
As a volunteer in our schools, you are a role model for our students. State law (Texas Education Code 22.053), GISD Board Policy GKG and administrative regulations set certain standards for all staff and volunteers to follow so that the safety and well-being of our students is ensured while they are attending school. Therefore, everyone is asked to observe these guidelines:
- Observe the no smoking and no tobacco policy and follow campus established professional dress codes whether volunteering on campus or in a virtual environment.
- Keep any information about students confidential.
- Do not provide medical treatment unless designated as a trained clinic volunteer.
- Avoid proposing any personal or religious doctrines or beliefs to students.
- Seek the aid of school personnel in case of any discipline problems.
- Do not lend money to students while actively serving as a volunteer.
- Avoid promoting any specific business, commercial product or brand name.
- The volunteer/student relationship should be restricted to the school setting on campus, an approved GISD activity, or a GISD virtual environment.
- Volunteers are not allowed to be unsupervised in a virtual environment with children.
- Volunteers are not allowed to be alone and unsupervised with a student.
- Unless supervised by school district personnel, a volunteer must be 18 years of age before the first day of school.
The GISD volunteer guidelines apply to all volunteers whether a physical or virtual activity. For the safety of everyone, our district follows recommended health and safety guidelines.
Possible volunteer opportunities
Expand AllTeacher support
- Reading Buddy Mentor
- Commit to ongoing support for a student (usually once weekly)
- Read a book to a student or listen to a student read
- Provide encouragement
- Classroom helper
- Small group support or instruction
- Read a book to a class
- Record a book for reading lessons
- Help monitor chat line during class
- Tutor
- STEM helper
- Visit a class and share your talent
- Assist students participating in robotics or other STEM activities
- Visual and Performing Arts helper
- Visit a class and share your talent
- Assist a student participating in a fine arts program
- Assisting at home
- prepare instructional materials
- cut, collate, organize materials
School/office support
- School Office assistant
- Library assistant
- Workroom assistant (copies, mail, die cuts, etc.)
- Maintain marquee
- Cafeteria monitoring
- Morning greeters
- Parking lot/traffic control for student drop-off and pick-up
- Watch D.O.G.S
- Mentor
- Campus newsletter
- Write articles
- Take photos
- Highlight parents helping parents and resources
- Distribute items
- Campus drive up
- Deliver materials and manipulatives, food, etc. for families with no transportation
- School committees
- Parent support
- PTA board or committee member
- Greeter
- Booster Club
- Help another parent with technology
- One-on-one for device, program, or app support
- Host a tech workshop with a small group
Event support
- Guest speakers (Career Day, Texas Scholars, Black History Day, etc.)
- Cultural Fair Exhibitor
- Judges/Coaches (Science Fair, Reflection Artwork, Academic Decathlon, UIL, etc.)
- Field Trip Helper/Chaperone
- Book Fair
- Childcare provider for meetings and workshops at school
- Crossing Guard
- Landscape Services/Planter materials
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Build sets, paint and props
- Sewing (uniforms, costumes, etc.)
- Snacks for Teachers or Students (teacher Appreciation, Testing Days)

Raptor Volunteer Portal
Approved virtual/remote volunteers may submit their hours, sign-up for events and communicate with their district volunteer coordinator using the Raptor Portal:
Need help? View the Raptor Help Sheet or contact your Volunteer Coordinator.
Need a hard copy?
All of the information on our Volunteer in Our Schools page and Volunteer Application Process page is available as a PDF: