
Key department contacts:
Employee | Position |
Dr. Gradyne Brown | Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources |
Dr. Dina Rowe | Director - Elementary Human Resources |
Atticus Wisener | Director - Secondary Human Resources |
Rodney McHenry | Director - Auxiliary Human Resources |
Eboney Forté | Director of HR Systems |
Annaluz Hill | Director of Compensation |
Kim Chatman | Coordinator Human Resources |
Anel Gonzalez | Certification Officer |
Connie Puente | HR Analyst |
Lisa Clark | Substitute Office Manager |
Angelyn Pham | Program Specialist GYO |
Katera Washington | Administrative Selection Specialist |
Nikki Champy | Administrator Selection Specialist |
Centorial Willis | Compensation Specialist |
Jameka Peters | Leaves Specialist (A-L) |
Paula Ferrell | Leaves Specialist (M-Z) |
Glayds Delcid | Leaves Specialist (Auxiliary) |
Sara Perchan | Certification Specialist |
Candi Arredondo | Background Fingerprint Specialist |
Rhonda Jenkins | HR Records Clerk |
Mandy Smith | Staffing Specialist |
Ana Binongcal | Staffing Specialist |
Linda Espinoza | Staffing Specialist |
Dawn Covin | Staffing Specialist |
Felicia Crunk | Staffing Specialist |
Blanca Moctezuma | Substitute Specialist I |
Benita Carroll | HR Hourly Pool Retiree Rehire |
Carlissa Thomas | Secretary to the Assistant Superintendent of HR |
Judie Golightly | Secretary to Elementary Director |
Vacant TBD | Secretary to Secondary Director |
Pam Cornelius | Secretary to Auxiliary Director |
Rosie Reyes | Secretary Receptionist |