Thursday, March 13, 2025
8:00 am - 4:00 pm

Have a student that needs to be vaccinated for measles, or is missing their second dose? Students that qualify can attend our measles vaccine clinic to get no-cost immunizations. 

GISD offers free vaccines for those who:

  • do not have insurance
  • are Medicaid eligible
  • are American Indian/Native American or Alaskan Natives

Note: If you have insurance, please call your primary care physician or the Garland Health Department at 972-205-3370.

Attending the clinic

Families must make an appointment to attend the clinic by calling 972-494-8538.

You will need to bring the following to the appointment:

  • Immunization/shot record
  • Students must have a parent or guardian with them.

See our Student Services Clinic page for more information about the clinic.