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Big changes are coming to the Choice of School and Magnet Application process. Are you ready?
More information will be coming soon about what will be different with the Choice and Magnet process. In the meantime, follow the steps below to get ready.
Step 1: Confirm that all contact information is correct in Skyward. Important: The primary guardian’s email address and phone number in Skyward will be used to set up your access for the Choice of School and Magnet Application process in the new choice application software, Avela Apply.
- Email addresses and phone numbers can be updated in Skyward.
- You must visit the school to change guardian status or address (proof of residency is required).
Step 2: Start exploring your options for schools and magnet programs. You will be asked to list up to 6 schools or magnet programs in priority order. You will want to check qualifications for magnet programs and consider transportation before determining your final preferences.
See the Tips to Help You Choose page for resources to help you find the best fit.
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