Board Meetings
View upcoming and past Board of Trustee meeting dates, times and details.
On this page
The GISD Board of Trustees meets twice each month according to the following schedule:
- Committee meetings: second Tuesday of the month.
- Regular meetings: fourth Tuesday at 5:00 p.m.
Meetings will occasionally be canceled or rescheduled. Special meetings, workshops, and public hearings are scheduled as needed. GISD Security conducts safety checks at all Board of Trustee regular and committee meetings. These checks include searches with metal detection and bag checks.
Patrons are encouraged to attend meetings or watch the meeting videos to become more informed on issues affecting the schools or to share their concerns about various issues.
Agendas and calendar
Boardbook Agendas
Agendas for regular and committee meetings.
Board meetings calendar
Upcoming meeting dates.
Meeting videos
All scheduled board meetings are streamed live. These meetings and committee meetings are also recorded for on-demand viewing after the meeting. Use the index below to access both the live and archived videos.
Regular meetings
Order of business
Regular meetings are held at 5:00 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month. A meeting includes:
- Call to Order and Determination of Quorum
- Pledges of Allegiance
- Public Forum
- Recognition, if any, of students, staff, and community members
- Information Items
- Discussion Items
- Consent Agenda
- Action Items
- Executive Session
Addressing the board
Patrons are provided the opportunity to address the board during the Public Forum segment of regular meetings, committee meetings and special called meetings.
If you wish to address the Board, complete the front and back of an information card upon arriving at the meeting (available at each entry table or from the Board Service Manager), and you will be called upon during the Public Forum part of the agenda.
Comments at committee meetings and special called meetings must be limited to issues that can be presented in a public forum and are directly related to the posted and noticed agenda items.
Comments at regular meetings can be made regarding any topic or subject allowable to be presented in a public forum and not limited to the meeting’s posted and noticed agenda items. Complaints about student discipline, specific student issues or personnel must be addressed through appropriate administrative channels.
Please be considerate of others attending the meeting and limit your remarks to three minutes. Lights on the podium will advise you of your time limit. You will be asked to provide your name, address and indicate if you have any children in the district before the lights and your three minutes begin.
By law, the Board can only take action on items that are posted on the agenda as Action Items. Trustees will not engage you in conversation nor discussion regarding your comments.
Only Trustees and the Superintendent can place items on the agenda.
Committee meetings
Committee meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.
Members of these standing committees are appointed by the board president. For current member appointments, visit the Board committee and organization appointments page.
Finance, Facilities and Operations Committee
Members of the Finance, Facilities and Operations Committee collaborate with the Superintendent and staff to provide recommendations to the board related to new and existing buildings, bond programs, security, maintenance, district funds and budgeting, financial reporting and management.
Academic and District Affairs Committee
The Academic and District Affairs Committee counsels and works with the Superintendent and staff to develop recommendations to the board about policy-related instructional and personnel matters, extracurricular activities and desegregation plans.
See Board Policy BDB(LOCAL) for more information about board committees.