Public Information Requests
Learn about the process for requesting district-related public information.
What is public information?
Texas Government Code 552.002(a) defines “public information” as information that is written, produced, collected, assembled, or maintained under a law or ordinance or in connection with the transaction of official business by a governmental body, or for a governmental body if the government body owns the information or has a right of access to it.
Public information may be requested from Garland ISD via Office of the General Counsel through methods outlined below.
It is important to note that governmental entities are not required to respond to questions via the Texas Public Information Act; however, if available, records that would provide the answers to posed questions will be provided if not excepted from release via statute.
How to request public information
Your request must be in writing and addressed to Public Information Request. Only written requests trigger a governmental body’s obligations under the Public Information Act. Requests made by facsimile or electronic mail must be addressed to Public Information Request in order to trigger an obligation under the Texas Public Information Act.
- Provide your full name and contact information including email/or fax (if available).
- Provide a heading for your correspondence that reads “Public Information Request.”
- Provide a detailed, precise description of the nature and scope of information you are seeking.
- Requests should be for documents or other information that is already in existence.
Methods for submitting written public information requests
Method | Details |
Online request form | GISD Public Records Center |
In-person | Garland Independent School District Harris Hill Administration Building 501 S. Jupiter Garland, TX 75042 |
US mail | Garland Independent School District Attn: Office of the General Counsel- Public Information 501 S. Jupiter Garland, TX 75042 |
Fax | 972-485-4936 |
Send to: informationrequest@garlandisd.net Subject: Request for Public Information |
Public information calendar
- Public Information Calendar effective January 1, 2024
- Public Information Calendar effective January 1, 2025
Reasonable limit of time spent on the production of public information
Section 552.275 of the Texas Government Code authorizes a governmental body to establish a reasonable limit, not less than 15 hours for one month or 36 hours in 12 months, on the amount of time that personnel is required to spend producing public information for inspection or copies to a requestor, without recovering the costs attributable to the personnel time related to that requestor.
Section 552.275 does not replace or supersede other sections, and it does not preclude a governmental body from charging labor for a request for inspection or copies for which a charge is authorized under other sections of this law.
Garland ISD has established 15 hours in one month and 36 hours per 12-month period as the reasonable limit on the amount of time personnel are required to spend producing public information for inspection or copies without recovering attributable costs. This 12-month period coincides with the District's fiscal year, which begins on July 1st.
Requestors who exceed the 36-hour time limit in a fiscal year (or 15 hours in one month) shall pay all costs attributable to the cost of materials, personnel time, and overhead expenses necessary to comply with the request, even if the requestor intends to only inspect the documents.