Bond 2014
See highlights of accomplishments made possible by taxpayer support of the 2014 Bond program.
When the community entrusted us with $455.5 million dollars, we promised to enhance and support the learning environment for our students. Fulfilling those promises has resulted in engaging new learning opportunities for students and enhanced safety and security at our facilities.

New facility
Career and Technical Education Center
Students at all high schools have access to expanded career and technical courses through the Gilbreath-Reed Career & Technical Center (GRCTC).

New facility
The GISD Natatorium is a state-of-the art facility which serves as an instructional, training and competition venue.
Student health, safety & security
Equipment upgrades to protect our students and support their well-being:
- Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) system upgrades, including bi-polar ionization equipment to improve indoor air disinfection
- Secured entrances
- Enhanced front entrance cameras and intercoms, along with cameras on the exterior of all buildings to provide improved security monitoring
- 27 campuses also received updates to fire alarm equipment
Facility renovations and compliance upgrades included:
- Door hardware changes to secure classrooms and meet ADA compliance
- ADA-compliant restrooms
- Mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire sprinkler replacements
- Window replacements (single to double-pane) for increased energy efficiency
- Lights, restrooms and concessions at baseball/softball fields
- Fine arts expansion
1:1 devices were purchased for secondary students and improvements were made to the district's technology infrastructure including replacement of:
- approximately 1,150 pieces of Cisco network equipment
- classroom projectors with modern display screens
- aging classroom computers and other devices