Military Family Resources
Find resources for students and family of active military members.
Garland ISD values the military-connected families in our area. We have gathered information to help support our military families in and outside of school.
Families can let us know how they are connected to the military by completing the Military Connected Student Questionnaire as part of the forms for Back to School.

What we offer
Garland ISD participates in the Military Interstate Compact (MIC3). Our district provides benefits for families with active-military members:
- Free full-day Prekindergarten, with priority placement for military families.
- Get free general admission to GISD-hosted athletics events and Fine Arts performances with the GISD VIP Pass.
- An Air Force Junior ROTC Magnet program, where students can train to become cadets, learn valuable life skills and participate in community service.
Families can also contact our district Military Connected Liaison for help with enrollment, finding local community resources and transitioning into the district.
New to the district? See the Military Families Checklist for tips on transitioning schools and our Choose your school overview page.
Support outside the district
Free online tutoring
Local support
State resources
Government support

Talk to the Military's School Liaison
In addition to our district liaison, families can also reach out to Fort Worth NavyMWR's School Liaison, which can help families connect to the command, find military-specific services and help with broader educational topics. The FW NavyMWR's School Liaison serves the Dallas-Forth Worth area.

Find additional help in our community
Visit the Wellness and Support Resources page for an extensive list of medical services, housing, cold weather shelters, childcare and more.
Frequently asked questions
Expand AllWho can I talk to about MIC-3?
Families can reach out to their campus principal or the district Military Connected Liaison.
Does MIC-3 affect magnet programs?
No, because our magnet programs are part of normal school curriculum and are not considered extracurricular.
How can I find out if a school has a Purple Star designation?
Please reach out to your principal for information about a school's purple star status.
Can former military still use these resources?
Yes, resources are still available to all former military within 10 years of retirement, including working with the State Liaison Officer (SLO).
Are there other non-education focused support organizations?
Yes, there are a variety of resources available to help military families. A few are:
I'm about the be deployed/return home. Can my kid miss school to see me off?
Students are given excused absences to visit their parent or legal guardian who is called for duty for, on leave from, or returns home from deployment.