
As part of an agreed legal judgment in 1987, the Multi-Ethnic Committee meets to discuss topics covered in a Federal Court order related to educational issues and discrimination.

Desegregation order 

Committee make-up

Membership is decided by the Federal Court’s Northern Judicial District of Texas, based on recommendations submitted by Garland ISD and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People.

The committee shall consist of three Anglo members, three Black members, three Hispanic members, and two Asian Pacific Islander members.  The committee shall also have seven student ex officio members (non-voting).

Available committee seats

There are four open MEC seats available:

  • Two Anglo member seats
  • Two Asian Pacific Islander member seats

If you are interested in being considered for the Multi-Ethnic Committee, please email Dr. Lakisha Culpepper, Community Liaison for Garland ISD. Dr. Lakisha Culpepper will submit your request for approval to the NAACP Garland Unit #6256 and Garland ISD for further consideration.

Committee members

  • Dr. Bonnie Martinez, MEC Chairman
  • Dr. Patrick Cook, MEC Vice-Chairman
  • Ms. Vanessa Vanpelt, MEC Secretary
  • Dr. Joyce Miller
  • Mr. Timothy Robinson
  • Ms. Angela Reed
  • Ms. Pauline Sias

Frequency of meetings

Committee members vote, set the schedule for meetings and meet five times per year. Due to security concerns, the MEC no longer offers a public forum at any meeting. Consequently, these meetings are no longer open to the public.

Meeting topics

  • GISD Board Panel, Orientation and Election of Officers
  • Discipline and Proposed Choice of School Calendar with Program Demo
  • Transportation on Freedom of Choice and Facilities Master Plan
  • Special Called Meeting
  • Human Resources Report
  • Schools of Choice Updates and Enrollment

Reports & findings

If you have difficulty accessing the information in the documents on this page because of disability, please contact Jasmine Preston, Coordinator of Web Services at 972-487-3265 or jdpresto@garlandisd.net.

For additional information including MEC minutes and agendas, please visit the MEC website.

Contact us

Executive Director of Student Services
Community Liaison