Read about the rules that govern our district, including the student handbook and code of conduct, the acceptable use policy and more.
Student Code of Conduct & Handbook
The Student Code of Conduct is the district's response to the requirements of Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code. The Code provides methods and options for managing students in the classroom and on school grounds, disciplining students, and preventing and intervening in student discipline problems.
- Student Code of Conduct & Handbook
- Student Code of Conduct & Handbook - Spanish
- Student Code of Conduct & Handbook - Vietnamese
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
The AUP is a set of rules that restricts the ways in which GISD technology resources may be used. This document includes a definition of what district technology resources are and what is considered acceptable use. It also discusses how system access is governed, user responsibilities, prohibited activities, and network etiquette.
- GISD Acceptable Use Policy for 2024-25
- GISD Acceptable Use Policy for 2024-25 - Spanish
- GISD Acceptable Use Policy for 2024-25 - Vietnamese
1:1 Technology program policies
The 1:1 Technology Program is available for all PK-12th grade students and provides students with access to digital resources and instructional tools.
- 1:1 Technology Program Handbook
- 1:1 Technology Program Handbook - Spanish
- 1:1 Technology Program Handbook - Vietnamese
Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)
The CIPA is a federal law that requires that schools have an Internet safety policy and use an Internet filter to protect students from inappropriate matters on the Internet. Schools are required to protect the safety and security of minors and prevent unauthorized access.
Children's Internet Protection Act - FCC Consumer Facts
Board Policy
This manual contains policies governing the operation of our district. The policies are included because they are required by law or by the Texas Education Agency; because they are recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards as essential to effective District governance and management; or because the Board wishes to make a statement in a particular policy area.
Multi-ethnic Committee
As part of an agreed legal judgment in 1987, the Multi-ethnic Committee meets to discuss topics covered in a Federal Court order related to educational issues and discrimination. See our Multi-ethnic Committee page for more information.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Policy
Students in Garland ISD now have the opportunity to bring their own personal electronic devices to school for educational purposes. With administrator and teacher approval, students may use their devices to access and save information from the Internet, to collaborate with other learners, and to utilize the productivity tools available to them.
Fundraising and food in schools
Federal law requires that food and beverages sold for in-school fundraising meet Smart Snack nutrition standards. Find out more from these Smart Snack guidelines.