Property taxes are part of your local government's way of paying for services for all citizens. They help maintain roads, pay for safety/emergency services, sanitation services, public parks and also provide a portion of your public school's budget. Texas law works to make sure tax values are equal and according to the value of your property.

Curious to see where your tax dollars go in our district? Learn more about Tax transparency.

You can also view your tax statement online.

On this page

    Tax rate summary

    See how our portion of your tax rate breaks down:

    2024Proposed rateNo-New-Revenue rateVoter-Approval rateAdopted rate
    Total Tax rate $1.050900$1.062810$1.057780$1.050900

    The 2024 tax rate of $1.05090 is a $0.0023 decrease from the 2023 tax rate of $1.0532.

    About your tax statement

    Statements are usually mailed by October 1, but can be mailed any time between Oct. 1- Jan. 10 of the following year. Your annual property taxes are not prorated, so the statement you get will be for the period of Jan. 1 - Dec. 31.

    If you have a mortgage escrow account with your lender, the lender should request the tax statement. All other statements will be sent directly to the property owner. If you receive a tax statement that should be paid by your mortgage lender, please contact your lender directly.


    E-statements are an alternative method for the Tax Office to deliver tax statements to an enrolled email address. When a statement is generated, an email will be sent with a link.  The link will allow you to view and print your statement. 

    See your tax statement online

    Visit our tax office website for a copy of your statement.

    Find your tax statement online

    Paying taxes

    Payment is due upon receipt and must be paid no later than January 31, 2025, to avoid penalty and interest charges. A United States Postal Service postmark is acceptable. However, a metered date is not considered a postmark.

    Payments postmarked after January 31, 2025, will be assessed penalty and interest following State law. We suggest that you have the Post Office hand stamp the date on your envelope to guarantee a January postmark. This same policy applies to each month the payment is late. Please note that paying late in the day on Jan. 31 may lead to a Feb. 1 postmark and incur fees.

    Note: Failure to receive a notice does not warrant a waiver of penalty and interest.

    Appraisal information

    All tax appraisals used for tax purposes are performed by the Dallas Central Appraisal District (DCAD) following State law. In addition, the DCAD provides GISD with owner names, mailing addresses and exemptions granted.

    If you have questions about any of this information or wish to protest your value, please contact DCAD at 214-631-0910 or visit

    Contact us

    For more information about taxes, contact:

    Tax offices

    Other offices