

Choice of School and Magnet applications open for grades 1-12

Families can now make their 2025-26 campus choices and magnet applications for grades 1-12 from Jan. 7- Feb. 10.

  • If your student is already in GISD: Check your email for your via Avela Apply account login details. IMPORTANT: There are many changes with the process this year. See the Choice and Magnet Application Process page for details.
  • If your student is not enrolled in GISD: Visit the Enroll a Student page to get started using Skyward.



Skyward is our student information system. View grades, attendance, and communicate with teachers.


Canvas is our digital learning platform and the official learning management system. Find coursework, calendars, schedules, and learning materials.

Ready Hub

Ready Hub is our online portal for access to all of our digital resources.
ParentSquare logo


ParentSquare is our platform for district, campus, and classroom communication.

Technology Support

Find resources for using district-provided devices.
School Cafe logo


Find school menus, submit meal applications and more.


Access thousands of digital books from anywhere using the community portal (students will use ReadyHub's myON portal).
Submit an anonymous alert

Anonymous Alerts

Report bullying and other urgent student concerns quickly and anonymously to GISD Security.

Student Handbook and other Policies

Find district policies, including the Student Code of Conduct & Handbook.