GISD Explore Map
Discover how the Explore Map can help you choose which school is right for you.

GISD Explore Map
Use the Explore Map to see the mapped locations of GISD schools and a list of the schools.
Map features
Several features make it easy to find transportation information and other school details to help you make the best choice for your child.
Once you enter your address, you can filter to:
- View the campuses that provide transportation from your address.
- Filter to find campuses that are closest to you.
The "Filter" link provides additional options for sorting the list, such as grade level, standardized dress, and more.
When you click on a school in the list or map, a school profile appears with information about program offerings and special features of the campus.
You can bookmark the schools you are considering and then view and rank the schools under the "Saved Schools" link.