Contact information

Make sure your child's school has updated emergency contact information by taking a revised Family Verification Form to the school. 

Print the Family Verification Form.

Child care

Without worrying them, assure your children that they will be taken care of if,  for some reason, you are unable to care of them, even for a short period of time.

Talk to the people you would want to care for your children if you are unable to, and make sure they know they will be listed as emergency contacts. Memorize their phone numbers, and have your children memorize them, too.

If you have legal documents preventing anyone from contacting or picking up your children, make sure to give a copy of that documentation to the school.

Make sure the list of people who can pick up and care for your children is up to date on your child's information card. Make sure the people who can pick and care for your children are up to date on your child's location and school.

Safety & Security

We care about your family's safety within and outside of our schools. See our Student Safety section for information on emergency pick-up procedures, bullying, cybersafety, and more. 

Contact us

For more information, contact: