Strategic Goal
Learn about our academic goals for our students.
An exceptional education has long been the focus of our district. Our top responsibility is to provide a rigorous, innovative educational experience that prepares all students for college and careers, along with developing meaningful relationships between schools, families and the community in a safe and secure environment.
With this in mind, the Garland ISD Board of Trustees and Superintendent Dr. López have created specific objectives to establish and define district academic targets.
The work of the board and the district will continue as departments and campuses collaborate to develop action plans and data reporting steps. As these efforts advance and data points are collected, updates will be provided and shared so that progress on key performance indicators can be monitored.

Education transforms lives
The Garland Independent School District exists as a diverse community with a shared vision that serves to provide an exceptional education to all its students.
Reaching the future by driving excellence, one student at a time.
- We believe every student can learn.
- We know every student deserves our best.
- We value and celebrate all cultures.
- We respect all students, families, staff and communities.
- We demonstrate ethical behavior.
Goals and objectives thru 2025-26
Garland ISD will ensure ALL students graduate prepared for college, careers and life by increasing student performance measures, postsecondary readiness, and graduation rates and decreasing student management incidences.
Eight objectives have been identified to achieve this goal. Expand each objective below for details or see the print version of the Student Achievement Quick Reference Scorecard (PDF).
See the most recent District Improvement Plan for specific strategies aimed at achieving the objectives.
Additional resources
District objectives
Expand AllObjective A: Early Literacy

Goal = 90% by 2026
Percent of students in grade 3 demonstrating early literacy as measured by Meets Grade Level performance on STAAR Reading.
2021-22 performance: 47.3%
Current performance: 49.3%
2023-24 target: 77.5%
2025-26 target: 90%

Percent of students demonstrating early literacy in reading - text description of the bar chart
Objective B: English Language Acquisition

Goal = 76% by 2026
Percent of ELL students demonstrating English language acquisition, as measured by yearly progress indicator on the Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS).
2021-22 performance: 38.3%
Current performance: No data
2023-24 target: 64%
2025-26 target: 76%

Percent of ELL students demonstrating English language acquisition - text description of bar chart.
Objective C: Scientific Understanding

Goal = 80% by 2026
Percent of students in grade 8 demonstrating scientific understanding as measured by Meets Grade Level performance on STAAR Science.
2021-22 performance: 43.1%
Current performance: 40.7%
2023-24 target: 68%
2025-26 target: 80%

Percent of students demonstrating scientific understanding - text description of bar chart.
Objective D: Mathematical Proficiency

Goal = 90% by 2026
Percent of students demonstrating mathematical proficiency as measured by Meets Grade Level performance by the end of grade 9 on STAAR Algebra I EOC.
2021-22 performance: 46.7%
Current performance: 57%
2023-24 target: 78%
2025-26 target: 90%

*Note: Approximately 1/3 of 7th-grade students participate in Grade 8 or Algebra I STAAR assessments.
Percent of students demonstrating mathematical proficiency - text description of bar chart.
Objective E: Post-secondary Readiness (SAT Exams)
Percent of students demonstrating postsecondary readiness exam success, as measured by meeting college-ready benchmarks through 11th grade SAT School Day.
Evidenced-based Reading and Writing
Goal = 70% by 2026

2021-22 performance: 44.3%
Current performance: 45.9%
2023-24 target: 63%
2025-26 target: 70%

Goal = 50% by 2026

2021-22 performance: 22.8%
Current performance: 22.9%
2023-24 target: 39%
2025-26 target: 50%

Objective F: Post-secondary Readiness (AP Exams)

Goal = 45% by 2026
Percent of students demonstrating postsecondary readiness exam success, as measured by AP exams with qualifying criterion scores.
2021-22 performance: 31.9%
Current performance: 31.9%
2023-24 target: 41%
2025-26 target: 45%

Objective G: Student Management

Goal = 35% by 2025
Percent of discretionary exclusionary consequences as measured by ISS, OSS, and DAEP.
2020-21 performance: 34.8%
Current performance: 27.4%
2023-24 target: 40%
2025-26 target: 35%

Objective H: Graduation Outcomes
Percent of students successfully completing graduation and College, Career, Military Ready (CCMR) requirements.
Note: CCMR indicators are calculated using 2023 accountability guidelines for CCMR indicators/calculations.
Four-year Graduation Rate
Goal = 95% by 2026

2021-22 performance: 95.2%
Current performance: 95.3%
2023-24 target: 94.2%
2025-26 target: 95%
CCMR Graduates
Goal = 80% by 2026

2021-22 performance: 78.4%
Current performance: 86.4%
2023-24 target: 70%
2025-26 target: 80%
CCMR type breakdown

CCMR class percentages