AFJROTC Memorandum of Understanding
Standards of conduct for student cadets in Air Force Junior ROTC program.
If a student is accepted into the program, he/she will attend all classes at Rowlett High School. Bus transportation will be provided for students who live outside the walk zone for Rowlett High School.
The cornerstones of AFJROTC are the leadership abilities and habits of self-discipline instilled in each cadet. Therefore, it is imperative that each cadet is aware of and agrees to comply with the standards of conduct established for the program. Failure to comply with these standards could result in course failure or disenrollment from the program.
Standards of Conduct
- Uphold the highest degree of integrity (we do not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate any among us who do).
- Respect school faculty and staff (do not disobey, ignore, or use disrespectful language, tone of voice or gestures).
- Refrain from using any illegal substance.
- Always be respectful of others regardless of race, creed, ethnicity, religion or country of origin.
- Adhere to all grooming standards as established in the Cadet Guide.
- Maintain the uniform in serviceable condition. Uniforms are issued free of charge, but cadets will be financially responsible for lost or damaged items.
- Uniforms must be worn once a week on specific days and will be worn for the entire school day.
- Uniforms will only be worn when authorized by an AFJROTC instructor whether in or out of school.
Students, if accepted into AFJROTC, must attend the 3-day Basic Cadet Orientation (BCO) at Rowlett High School near the end of July and provide their own transportation to and from this event. Failure to attend BCO can result in disenrollment from the program.
There will be a mandatory activity fee of $100 due within the first month of the semester. This fee pays for one custom polo, spirit shirt, and physical training shorts and shirt.
A field trip of 3-4 days in duration is conducted 1-2 times per year. These are optional out-of-town events involving overnight stays and charter bus transportation. To offset the costs of transportation, hotel, food, and any admission fees, cadets are charged around $150.