GISD Cybersafety Week
This fun week is just one of the many ways we promote safe and effective online learning. During Cybersafety week, all students engage in activities about digital citizenship and internet safety. Cybersafety instruction is blended into classroom activities, where students are empowered to use their technology positively. We teach our students to:
- Think before they post
- Protect themselves online
- Respect others online
Digital Poster Contest
This year, students will have the opportunity to get creative with the Cybersafety Digital Poster Contest! To enter:
- Complete the entry form (your campus librarian will share it with you)
- Create a digital cybersafety poster (be sure to include images and text with a Cybersafety theme/message)
- Email the poster and entry form to your campus librarian (the poster can be in PDF, JPG, PNG format or a slide in Google Slides or Powerpoint)
Winners will be announced at the end of October. An elementary, middle school and high school drawing winner will be chosen for the contest.
Learn more about cybersafety
We want students to make good decisions online that protect their safety, personal information and reputation. We invite everyone to learn more about cyberbullying, digital citizenship, social media, risky apps and safe gaming on CommonSenseMedia.org.