RFP 8-21 (32492)
Heavy Equipment Rental

The Garland Independent School District will be receiving proposals for the
purchase of Heavy Equipment Rental until 10:30 a.m., July 20, 2021 at 501
South Jupiter Road, Garland, Texas 75042, Purchasing Department, at which
time they will be opened. Proposal documents can be accessed at:
Please email bids@garlandisd.net for any questions.

Although we are legally required to accept paper bids, we strongly request
that bidders submit this bid electronically. Please feel free to call us at (972)
487-3009, if you require any assistance with this submittal. Electronic bidding
eliminates errors, eliminates unnecessary work, and is friendlier to the
environment. When filing this bid electronically, please do not send us a
paper copy, as the electronic version will prevail. A paper copy of the bid may
be obtained by making a request to bids@garlandisd.net. It is imperative that
the title and bid number MUST be included when making the request.

If you are unable to access the proposal documents, you will need to register
for an iSupplier account. Please complete the online vendor application at

Document Type
Sourcing Number
Bid Expiration