Important-Yellow-Schools open tomorrow
Schools open tomorrow

After closely monitoring weather and road conditions, Garland ISD schools and offices will remain open on Wednesday, February 19, 2025.

  1. Multiply GPA Credits by the GPA Points to calculate the grade points earned for each semester.
  2. Divide total GPA Points by the total GPA Credits to calculate the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA).
  3. Calculations are rounded to 5 decimal places.

For more information on grades, see the Grades/Skyward page.

Grade Point Table
GPA Set 1
GPA Set 2
GPA Set 3
Dual Credit
GPA Set 4
GPA Set 5
A+ 97-100 9/3= 3.000 12/3= 4.000 13.5/3=4.500 15/3= 5.000 18/3= 6.000
A 94-96 8/3= 2.667 11/3= 3.667 12.5/3= 4.167 14/3= 4.667 17/3= 5.667
A- 90-93 7/3 = 2.333 10/3= 3.333 11.5/3= 3.833 13/3= 4.333 16/3= 5.333
B+ 87-89 6/3= 2.000 9/3= 3.000 10.5/3= 3.500 12/3= 4.000 15/3= 5.000
B 84-86 5/3= 1.667 8/3= 2.667 9.5/3= 3.167 11/3= 3.667 14/3= 4.667
B- 80-83 4/3= 1.333 7/3 = 2.333 8.5/3= 2.833 10/3= 3.333 13/3= 4.333
C+ 77-79 3/3= 1.000 6/3= 2.000 7.5/3= 2.500 9/3= 3.000 12/3= 4.000
C 74-76 2/3= 0.667 5/3= 1.667 6.5/3= 2.167 8/3= 2.667 11/3= 3.667
C- 70-73 1/3= 0.333 4/3= 1.333 5.5/3= 1.833 7/3 = 2.333 10/3= 3.333
F Below 70 0 0 0 0 0

This procedure is designed to reflect differences in grouping levels and determine grade point averages.

Sample Grades for Example GPA Calculation
Subject 1st Semester
1st Semester
Grade Points
2nd Semester
2nd Semester
Grade Points 
Total for the Year 
Math (H/AP)  97 2.50000 65 0.00000 2.50000
English (DC)  97 2.25000 97 2.25000 4.50000
Science (R)  97 2.00000 97 2.00000 4.00000
History (R)  97 2.00000 97 2.00000 4.00000
Health (R)  75 0.83350     0.83350
PE      97 GPA Credit=0.000 0.00000
Total Grade Pts 15.83350

Example Calculation

Calculate the cumulative grade point average for the year by following the procedure described above.
Using the example semester grades:

Total grade points = 15.83350
Total GPA Credits = 4.5 (9 semester courses, each with GPA Credit 0.5, were attempted)
15.83350 divided by 4.5 equals 3.51856 grade point average out of a possible 5.0.

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