The Campus Leadership Program, principals plus a team of administrators, teachers or other campus leaders embark on a 2-year learning journey to become stronger leaders and create change by getting to the root cause of issues before generating solutions.

To create a common language and understanding of leadership principles, Holdsworth invites 50 percent of schools within our Holdsworth Partnership districts to join the program. Principals receive one year of executive coaching to help them set and reach leadership development goals, and campus teams use the tools they learn over the course of the program to identify and solve a tough problem on their campus that impacts student learning.

2022 CLP Cohort

Eight campus principals were selected to participate in the Campus Leadership Program. These principals attended a deep learning session at the Holdsworth campus. Then, they select another staff member to attend a follow-up learning session. As an outcome of participation, the principals were expected to focus on strengthening personal leadership, launch one-on-one coaching and start building a collaborative network.

Participating campuses for 2022: Carver, Lister, Northlake, Toler and Williams elementary schools, O'Banion Middle School and South Garland and Rowlett high schools.

As the program moves into the second year, principals will select a team of campus leaders who are best suited to contribute thinking and planning about the Problem of Practice. The Problem of Practice involves identifying a problem, engaging deeply in why the problem is happening and working as a team to test potential solutions. 

The CLP program centers around strengthening leaders’ capacity in three areas:

  • Developing Personal Leadership is based in deeply connecting to one’s purpose, managing physical, mental and emotional resources and identifying areas for growth and working to actively improve.
  • Growing & Empowering Others focuses upon leaders’ ability to support and develop aspiring leaders around them, and to cultivate high-performing teams.
  • Creating Change is about developing a clear, shared vision for excellent and equitable student outcomes, and using key drivers such as school culture to support the realization of that vision.

CLP teams:

  • Learn to use problem-solving frameworks to approach the problem methodically.
  • Talk with a wide variety of critical stakeholders and listen to their opinions on why the problem is happening.
  • Dig deeper and ask probing questions until they believe they have arrived at the root cause of the issue.
  • Crowdsource improvement strategies by asking, “What can we do to fix it?”
  • Run small tests of suggested improvement strategies to see if they work.
  • Scale up the strategies that work and continue to test them over time.

GISD Campus Leadership Principals
Cohort 2022 participating principals