The Donald and Barbara Mozley Scholarship provides financial support for students pursuing an engineering degree at an ABET-accredited college or university.

Don Mozley was a renowned broadcast journalist who spent 62 years working for CBS Radio and KCBS/74 in San Francisco. Hired by CBS in 1942, Don covered such historic events as WWII, the atomic bomb tests at Bikini the presidential campaigns of Nixon and Eisenhower, and the Senate race of Robert Taft.

Grade Level/Age
Society of Automotive Engineers
Career Related
Non Renewable
Award information
  • $5000
  • 7 awards available  
Eligibility Requirements
  • Be planning to pursue a mechanical engineering degree through a U.S. ABET accredited program
  • Be able to detail the importance of their desired major in industry today and the future contributions they hope to make.
  • FAFSA Form (Maximum EFC # $15,000)
  • U.S. Resident
  • Applicant must outline participation in a STEM activity in or out of school OR outline involvement as a STEM mentor/volunteer and what was gained from the experience.