View and filter a list of local and national scholarships.
Thank you for visiting the Guidance and Counseling scholarships search. Please complete this form, if you would like to request a scholarship reviewed and added to our website. We will review your request and contact you within 48-72 hours. Thank you for your submission.
View a list of local and national scholarships below. You can filter the list by the status of the scholarship i.e. whether it's currently open or closed. You can also limit the list based on deadline date range.
If you need assistance applying for scholarships, please contact your school counselor. Scholarships are regularly updated by the Guidance & Counseling Department.
Name | Organization | Grade Level/Age | Award Information | Deadline |
Animal Welfare Institute Scholarship | Animal Welfare Institute Scholarship | High School Senior | $3,000 |
03/16/2025 |
The Richard G. Zimmerman Scholarship | Journalism Institute National Press Club | High School Senior | $5,000 |
03/16/2025 |
Conrad Spirrison Memorial Scholarship | PILOT International | High School Senior | $1,000 |
03/17/2025 |
Pilot International Scholarship | PILOT International | • Award amounts may vary but will not exceed $1,500.00 per year. |
03/17/2025 | |
Becky Burrows Memorial Scholarship | PILOT International | • Scholarships are awarded for one academic year. |
03/17/2025 | |
Bob King Co-Pilot Memorial Scholarship | PILOT International | High School Senior | • Scholarships are awarded for one academic year. |
03/17/2025 |
The Anchor Achievement Scholarship | PILOT International | High School Senior | • Scholarships are awarded for one academic year. |
03/17/2025 |
Stossel in the Classroom Scholarship | Stossel In The Classroom | $2,500 |
03/21/2025 | |
Papy Wellington Saygbay Your Gifts Will Make Room for You Scholarship | L.I.T.E. | 12th | $1000 |
03/22/2025 |
Al Neuharth Free Spirit and Journalism Conference Scholarship | Freedom Forum | High School Junior | $1,000 |
03/23/2025 |
Overcoming Disability Scholarship | The Law Offices of Coats & Todd | $2,500 |
03/26/2025 | |
Ben Brock Memorial Scholarship | bold.org | High School Senior | $7,500 |
03/29/2025 |
BetterLife National Scholarship Program | BetterLife | High School Senior | $5,000 |
03/31/2025 |
Mesothelioma.com Scholarship | $4,000 |
03/31/2025 | ||
Kezian Science Scholarship | Dr. Arthur A Kezian Los Angeles Cosmetic Dentist | $1,200 |
03/31/2025 | |
Bands of Hope Scholarship | Bands Of Hope | High School Senior | $1,000 |
03/31/2025 |
Heavy Equipment Parts Express Scholarship | Heavy Equipment Parts Express | $500.00 |
04/01/2025 | |
Seal of Biliteracy Scholarship | Multilingual Department | 12th Grade | Thanks to the kind generosity of our community partners, the Seal of Biliteracy Committee is thrilled to offer a $1,000 scholarship to one senior from each of our 7 traditional high schools. The award can be used at their institution of higher education. |
04/01/2025 |
ACTSO- Afro-Academic, Cultural, Technological and Scientific Olympics Scholarship | Garland NAACP | High School Student | ACT-SO, above all, is a learning experience, in which scholarships and prizes are awarded. At the national level, gold, silver and bronze medals are awarded along with cash scholarships of $1,000, $750 and $500 in each category, in addition to many other awards, scholarships and prizes. Local winners are awarded certificates and many other prizes. Participants develop new skills and enhance their ability with each ACT-SO pursuit. |
04/01/2025 |
Parsons Panda College Scholarship | Parsons Pre- K | High School Senior | $500 |
04/01/2025 |
Shawn Carter Scholarship Fund | The Shawn Carter Foundation | High School Senior | $2500 |
04/01/2025 |
Real World Design Challenge Scholarship | Real World Design | High School Student | $50,000 |
04/04/2025 |
Nick Linblad Memorial Scholarship | bold.org | High School Senior | $2,820 |
04/14/2025 |
National Diary Shrine Scholarships | Dairy Shrine | $3,000 |
04/15/2025 | |
Luis Escobar III Foundation Scholarship | High School Senior | $20,000 |
04/15/2025 | |
National Dairy Shrine Scholarships | Dairy Shrine | $3,000 |
04/15/2025 | |
Intertech Foundation STEM Scholarship | Intertech | High School Student | $2,500 |
04/15/2025 |
Lyndsey Scott Coding Scholarship | bold.org | $5,000 |
04/15/2025 | |
Chris Ford Scholarship | bold.org | High School Senior | $2,000 |
04/17/2025 |
Ruth Maddox Young Women in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) Award | Zonta Club of Dallas | $1500 |
04/17/2025 | |
Learner Tutoring Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship | $500 |
04/20/2025 | ||
Veterans United Foundation Scholarship | Veterans United Foundation | $3,000 |
04/30/2025 | |
Lift Parts Express Scholarship | Ages 16-21 | $500 |
04/30/2025 | |
IWSH Essay Scholarship Contest | The International Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Foundation | High School Senior | $1,000 |
04/30/2025 |
Odenza Vacations Scholarship | Odenza Vacations | High School Senior | $500 |
05/01/2025 |
LM Scholarship | Leavitt Training | 12th | $500 |
05/01/2025 |
Got A Spine Scholarship | Artic Chiropractic | High School Senior | $500.00 |
05/02/2025 |
Review It Scholarship | High School Senior | $1,000 |
05/15/2025 | |
College Mix Christian College Scholarship | The Christian Connector | $3,500 |
05/31/2025 | |
Altruism + All Good Deeds Scholarship | National Parent Volunteer Association | $1,000 |
05/31/2025 | |
Scholarships360 "No Essay" Scholarship | $10,000 |
06/30/2025 | ||
Live it Up's Supergreens Women in Healthcare Scholarship | Live it Up | $1,000 |
07/01/2025 | |
Dog Central Community Service Scholarship | Dog Central | $500 |
07/15/2025 | |
Boren Scholarships | Boren Awards | High School Senior | $20,000 |
08/29/2025 |
Building Bridges Scholarship | National Parent Volunteer Association | $1,000 |
09/30/2025 | |
1st Financial Bank USA Financial Goals Scholarship | 1st Financial Bank | 18+ | $2,000 |
12/26/2026 |