Unboxing Your Life Scholarship
Sttark is excited to award a $4,000 scholarship to a U.S. high school senior, undergraduate, or graduate student who is willing to open up and unbox their life in a creative 5-minute video. Packaging is enticing–it creates an impression on the customer–but it’s the contents of a box that keep people coming back. We know there’s much more to you than meets the eye, and your presentation is just a reflection of who you are. If you were a carton or box, what would your packaging say? How would you brand yourself? And, most importantly, what story would your box contain? Show us the contents of your life that make you who you truly are.
100% of Tuition
This application is open to all high school seniors, undergraduate, and graduate students. Due to complexities with international funding, we will only consider submissions from U.S. citizens.
You will need to provide proof of college acceptance or a current transcript for high school students. Undergraduate and graduate students will need to provide proof of attendance from their college or university at the time of submission.
We’d love to know your future goals and why you deserve this scholarship, so we’re asking you to submit a brief biography of no more than 250 words with your application. In this bio, please specify your intended field of study and your current grade or degree level.
We will not assess this bio in our submission evaluation, but it will help us better understand your vision.We will not consider your submission if it does not include:
● A short bio with your intended field of study and education level
● Proof of education
● Evidence of U.S. citizenship (valid address)
● A 5-minute unboxing video (no shorter than 4 minutes and no longer than 6)