In most districts, attendance zones determine where students will attend school. Our Choice of School program allows parents to select the campus they want their children to attend for the next school year, whether it's down the street or across town.

There are a lot of factors to consider when selecting the best option for your child. We’ve gathered some resources below to help you with this important decision.


​​​​​​​Choice of School process

You will make an initial choice as part of the enrollment process and then again when changing school levels, such as moving from elementary to middle school. You also have the opportunity to change each year, if desired, during the Choice of School periods each spring.

See How Choice Works for an overview of the process.

Haven't enrolled yet? See the Enroll a Student page to get started.

Icon of a science flask and pencil

Innovative Schools of Choice

Our district has six schools following the Innovative School of Choice model. An Innovative Choice school offers focused themes, such as STEM, technology or collegiate prep. Unlike magnet programs, families do not need to apply but will have to select the school during the Choice of School period.

See the Innovative Schools of Choice page to learn more.

Use the School Interest Finder to find Innovative Choice and magnet campus options by area of interest.


Magnet programs

Many of our schools also offer selective magnet programs that provide specialized instruction and intensive focus in a specific area. Each program has unique criteria and a magnet application and acceptance are required to participate.

See Magnet Programs for more information.

Use the School Interest Finder to find magnet campus options by area of interest.


Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs

From animation to automotive technology, culinary to cosmetology and horticulture to health sciences, we offer hundreds of Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses. This allows students to explore career interests and gain employable skills. They can also earn certifications and licensing to be able to start a career or earn additional college credit upon graduation.

Explore the course pathway for a program of study to see which schools offer the program.


Transportation and School Location

Each school has a designated transportation-eligible zone. Students who live in that zone may be eligible for bus transportation. The transportation-eligible zone may vary somewhat from year to year.

Visit the GISD Explore Map and enter your address to see nearby school locations, transportation information and filter options.


Explore our schools

View the school profile pages to learn about specific program offerings, standardized dress and more.

Contact us

For more information about the Choice of School process, contact:
For questions about transportation, contact:

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