The Garland Independent School District will be receiving proposals for the purchase of RFP# 26-19 Storage Area Network Equipment and Services and RFP# 32-19-05 Career and Technical Education Health Sciences Equipment, Merchandise and Services until 10:30 a.m., April 11, 2019 at 501 South Jupiter Road, Garland, Texas 75042, Purchasing Department, at which time they will be opened. Proposal document for electronic submission can be accessed at: https://proddmz1.garlandisd.net/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp Please email bids@garlandisd.net for any questions.
Although we are legally required to accept paper bids, we strongly request that bidders submit this bid electronically. Please feel free to call us at 972-487-3009, if you require any assistance with this submittal. Electronic bidding eliminates errors, eliminates unnecessary work, and is friendlier to the environment. When filing this bid electronically, please do not send us a paper copy, as the electronic version will prevail. A paper copy of the bid may be obtained by making a request to bids@garlandisd.net. It is imperative that the title and bid number MUST be included when making the request.