BP# 3.9 North Garland High School Fine Arts Addition and Renovation
The Garland Independent School District will be accepting competitive sealed proposals for the renovation work at North Garland High School under Bid Package 3.9 until 2:00 p.m. local time, May 16, 2019 at the Garland ISD Purchasing Construction Bond Department, Marvin Padgett Auxiliary Services Center Building, 701 N. First Street, Garland, Texas 75040, where they will be publicly opened and read aloud starting at 2:10 p.m. local time.
Beginning April 25, 2019, the CSP Project Manual and Drawings is available at: https://www.garlandisdplanroom.com/ .
Pre-proposal Meeting: May 3, 2019, starting at 9:00AM, at North Garland HS, located at 2109 W Buckingham Road, Garland, TX 75042.