On this page

    Every day counts

    A missed school day is a lost opportunity for students to learn.

    Attendance is required by law

    Under the Texas State Compulsory Attendance Law, all students age 6-19 must attend school each day for the entire school day unless exempt by law.  This includes students voluntarily enrolled in prekindergarten or kindergarten as well as students 19 years or older.

    Unexcused voluntary absences for 10 days or more within 6 months (whether in full days or parts of days) violates state law. This may lead to a court referral against the parent, guardian or student.

    Attendance is required for class credit

    Students must also attend class 90% of the days a class is offered to receive credit or a final grade (regardless of excused absences). Students must recover the lost time to receive credit:

    • 75-89% attendance: The student must earn credit for the class by completing a plan approved by the principal.
    • Under 75% attendance: The student must go through the Attendance Recovery Process.

    Visit the School hours page for information about daily schedules.

    Attendance procedures

    We want all students to succeed, which includes attending every class, every day on time. Students must appear in person at their school to be counted present.


    If a student is not present at the time of attendance, teachers will mark them absent. If your student must be absent, please submit a notification through Skyward. Official doctor notes for absences may be physically turned into the campus, but a digital version (PDF/photo/scan) is preferred. Consequences for multiple absences include:

    • Behavior plan

    •  Student or parent conference

    • Loss of class credit

    • Referral to truancy court

    Parents are encouraged to speak to a school administrator regarding special situations or circumstances.

    Submitting an absence note

    Parents should submit a digital absence note to the school attendance office within three days of returning to school that includes:

    • a written statement giving the date and reason for the absence(s)

    • parent/guardian name

    • parent's phone number for contact

    Parents may do this through Skyward. Campuses accept up to six personal notes per semester from parents to excuse the student’s absence(s) for up to two days. A doctor’s note or another method may be required to excuse absences after the limit is reached. 

    Missing school means missing out

    By working together, we can help all children get to school every day so they have an opportunity to learn, flourish and realize their dreams

    What if circumstances make it difficult for a student to attend school?

    We realize some students may require extra support to return to school. We use district and community resources to help students reconnect with school and create options for student success through collaboration. These resources could include support such as:

    • Social Needs
      • Counselor
      • Responsive Services Counselor
      • Mentor
      • Third-Party Counseling Referral
    • Other Academic Options
      • Enroll for testing
      • Limited Eligibility enrollment to finish graduation requirements

    Contact your school administrator, counselor or the Student Engagement and Support Service department for assistance.

    Not returning to school or withdrawal

    When students leave our district and begin school somewhere else, enrollment in another educational setting must be verified and documented.

    If you are leaving the district,  completing the withdrawal form is important so your child isn’t considered truant.

    If a student hasn’t returned to school or enrolled somewhere else, district staff will work with the family for re-enrollment options.

    Contact us

    For more information, contact: