Music Enrichment Program
The Music Enrichment Program is offered as an optional addition to regular classroom instruction.
Students who enroll in the program will have an opportunity to work one-on-one with one of our outstanding enrichment teachers on literature and techniques specific to their specific instrument or voice.
For questions about the Music Enrichment Program, contact your child’s music teacher.
How does it work?
- The Music Enrichment Program is administered by the Director of Fine Arts and district music staff.
- The enrichment teachers will be recruited, interviewed and recommended by district music teachers.
- Lessons are taught in practice rooms and classrooms of schools during music classes, lunch hour, before or after school, and on weekends.
- No lessons will be scheduled during academic classes.
- Students may stop taking lessons at the end of any month.
- A student may be dropped by an instructor, with approval of the supervising director, for excessive absences, failure to make satisfactory progress or unacceptable behavior.
Who can participate?
- Enrichment lessons are available to any student in a middle or high school music course.
- Participation is completely voluntary.
- All students who participate must first complete an application form with the signature of a parent/guardian. These forms are available from either a music enrichment teacher or district teacher.
Supplies and cost
- The private lesson fee is $18.00 per lesson for Middle School and $20.00 per lesson for High School. Fees are paid directly to lesson teachers.
- Students provide all instructional materials (books, music etc.)
- Teachers are strongly urged to temporarily postpone lessons if students are behind in payments for more than 5 lessons until the balance is paid.
Attendance policy
The music enrichment teachers (METs) and students will both be required to make every effort to keep lesson appointments. METs are not required to give make-up lessons.
Students should give at least 24 hours of advance notice if they will miss a scheduled lesson. The teacher and/or supervising director may make exceptions in the event of sudden illness or emergency.
METs are allowed to set their own attendance policy as long as it adheres to the following:
- Excused absences will be made up or a credit given as determined by the MET. The following will be considered excused absences: school-sponsored trips, sickness (with proper notice), school testing, school change of scheduling, circumstances out of student's control (fire alarm, school bus late, etc.)
- Unexcused absences will not be refunded or made up by the teacher. The teacher will be paid for the lesson by any monies collected. Unexcused absences will consist of, but not limited to: forgetting about lessons, choosing to do another activity during scheduled lesson time, or unmodified absences (sickness, trips, etc.).
Related documents
- Music Enrichment Program Application
- Music Enrichment Program Checklist 2023-24
- IDentoGo Texas Fingerprint Service Code form
- Policies and Procedures for PL teachers
- Introductory Letter to Music Enrichment teacher applicants
- Instructor's Lesson Log
- Lesson Log Due Dates 2023-24
- Student Application 2023-24
- Student Application 2023-24 - Spanish
- Parent Private Lesson Information letter
- Parent Private Lesson Information letter - Spanish
- Band and Orchestra Directors