English I for English Learners

[ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) COURSE] This course is based on the TEKS for English I as accommodated for students receiving services as English learners at the beginning, inte

(R) Regular

Fundamentals of English I

[CAMPUS BASED SPECIAL EDUCATION (CBSE) COURSE] This is a locally designed course aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for English I and determined by

(B) Basic grade points
Special Education

Pre AP PreCalculus

This course offers dual credit through DCCCD for College Algebra and Trigonometry.

(DC) Dual Credit, (H) Honors

Pre AP AMS Algebra 2 AB

(NGHS pilot program during 2016-17) This course is double blocked during first semester. Students taking this course are

(H) Honors


[International Honors course offered only at GHS] The use of manipulatives, problem solving situations, current events,

(IntH) International Honors grade points
International Baccalaureate or International Honors (GHS)

Pre AP MST Geometry

[Math-Science-Technology magnet course offered only at NGHS] MST Geometry will address all of the essential

(H) Honors
Math, Science, Technology (NGHS)

Algebra 1

The primary focus for students in this course is developing logical reasoning by making and justifying generalizations

(R) Regular

Basic Algebra I

[Base/ABC/PAC]. This is a locally designed course aligned with the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Algebra I and

(B) Basic grade points
Special Education

Fundamentals of Algebra I

[CAMPUS BASED SPECIAL EDUCATION (CBSE) COURSE] This is a locally designed course aligned with the Texas Essential

(B) Basic grade points
Special Education