Rules and Regulations Governing School Bus Students
View details of the bus student conduct code.
The bus driver is responsible for the safe operation of the school bus and the safety and discipline of the bus students. The school bus is an extension of the classroom and discipline will be administered by the transportation administrator and/or campus administration with information from the bus driver. No student will be transported by school bus that is termed ineligible for transportation by the GISD policies and TEA guidelines.
A video camera observation system is in use on all of the school buses in our district. These cameras are for the safety of our students and are used to monitor bus discipline. The tapes are kept strictly confidential and are limited to viewing by authorized personnel/staff representing GISD, parents/guardians of students affected by a bus conduct report, or appropriate law enforcement officials if warranted.
Note: Campus administrators can request video from the bus to aide in any investigation via communication with the transportation administrator.
Return to the Bus transportation page.
Bus student conduct code
- At no time will students act toward or address comments to a bus driver in a disrespectful manner or refuse to cooperate with the driver.
- Students shall get on or off the bus only at their assigned stop.
- Students shall not refuse to sit in an assigned seat or deny another person a place to sit.
- Students will be expected to remain seated for the duration of the trip, and remain seated until the bus door opens.
- Students shall not throw or shoot articles within the bus or out the bus window, and shall not extend any part of their body, clothing, or other articles out of the bus window.
- Students shall not take or handle any emergency equipment inside the bus, and shall never board or leave the bus through the emergency door except in an emergency.
- Students shall never attempt to operate the passenger door except in cases of extreme emergency.
- Students shall not yell, scream, whistle, or play radios or tape players on the bus.
- Students shall not write upon, disfigure, or destroy any part of the school bus.
- Scuffling, fighting, and the use of obscene, vulgar, or profane language are forbidden.
- Students shall not carry weapons, explosives (such as fireworks), unsheathed pointed articles, animals, intoxicating beverages, or drugs on the bus.
- Students shall not strike matches or use tobacco in any form on the bus.
- Students shall not eat, drink, or litter on the bus.
- Students shall arrive at the bus stop prior to the scheduled time. They shall stand well back from the roadway in an orderly group and not approach the bus until the door has opened.
- All students living on the left side of the roadway shall exit the bus and move to a point 10 to 12 feet in front of the right bumper and wait for the driver to signal that it is safe to cross. Students shall never cross behind the bus.
- Students shall face forward for the duration of the trip shall keep their feet on the floor in front of them and out of the bus aisle.
- Students will abide by the individual school’s rules and regulations concerning bus students.
- Serious offenses are defined but not limited to those listed above.
Steps and consequences for improper conduct on a school bus
- A bus conduct report is written and turned in to transportation administrator. The student’s parents are called; this is noted in review 360.
- A bus conduct report is written and turned in to transportation administrator. A referral is forwarded to the campus administrators via review 360. Student may be called to the office if needed to address the behavior on the bus.
- A bus conduct report is written and forwarded to the principal. The student is denied bus privileges for three (3) to five (5) days. The principal will notify the student’s parents; this is noted in review 360.
- A bus conduct report is written and forwarded to the principal. The student is denied bus privileges for ten (10) days. The transportation administrator and/or campus administration will notify the student’s parents; this is noted in review 360.
- A bus conduct report is written and forwarded to the principal. The student is denied bus privileges for the remainder of the school year or for whatever length of time is deemed appropriate. The transportation administrator and/or campus administration will notify the student’s parents; this is noted in review 360.
Note: The principal and/or transportation administrator has the authority to skip steps for serious violations or to designate such other punishment as deemed appropriate. GISD Board Policy FOA (Legal).