We're looking for students interested in making an impact and innovation through science, engineering, and math. Check the list of preferred STEM majors below. If you're pursuing one of them, apply for FOSSI. Preferred STEM majors are identified on a yearly basis by FOSSI administrators based on relevance to the chemical industry and supporting sponsor preferences.

The mission of HBCU Week is to encourage high-school aged youth to enroll into HBCUs, provide scholarship dollars for matriculation and sustain a pipeline for employment from undergraduate school to corporate America. 

Grade Level/Age
High School Senior
HBCU Week Foundation
Award information


Eligibility Requirements
  • Must be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident
  • High school seniors with a minimum GPA of 3.0 (unweighted)
  • Planning to enroll in an HBCU as a freshman
  • Pursuing a STEM major related to the chemical and engineering industry (see preferred majors below)
  • Must demonstrate financial need