UNT Meritorious Scholarship for National Merit Finalist
National Merit Finalists who have designated The University of North Texas as their school of choice with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation are considered for a full four-year UNT scholarship. The scholarship covers tuition and mandatory fees, room and board on-campus (standard hall/double occupancy) with the 7-Day Basic meal plan, and textbook expenses.
You must designate UNT as your school of choice with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation by their published deadline. In addition, we encourage all students to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
The scholarship value is set annually using the UNT Undergraduate Average Cost of Attendance developed for UNT Meritorious Scholarship recipients.
4 year in-state $108,000
- National Merit Finalists who have designated UNT as their number one school of choice with the National Merit Scholarship Corporation.
To enter the 2025 National Merit Program, a student needs to meet all of the following requirements. A student must:
- be enrolled as a high school student (traditional or homeschooled), progressing normally toward graduation or completion of high school by 2025, and planning to accept admission to college no later than the fall of 2025;
- attend high school in the United States, District of Columbia, or U.S. commonwealths and territories; or meet the citizenship requirements for students attending high school outside the United States; and
- take the 2023 PSAT/NMSQT in the specified year of the high school program and no later than the third year in grades 9 through 12, regardless of grade classification or educational pattern