Board Bond Update Recap 2/13/24
Watch the recording and see a summary of the recent Bond 2023 Board update.
During the Feb. 13 Board Bond Committee Special Meeting, trustees received updates on the following Bond 2023 projects:
(click on the linked project name for project-specific details)
- High School Softball/Baseball Improvements
- High School Fieldhouses and Multi-Program Activity Centers
- Freeman Elementary Replacement Campus
- Hillside Academy for Excellence Replacement Campus
- Lakeview Centennial HS and Naaman Forest HS renovations
- Elementary and Pre-K playground replacements
- Safety Perimeter Fencing at elementary campuses
- Fire Alarm System Replacement
- Security Camera System Refresh
- Access Control -Security Card Key Access Upgrades
- Forced-Entry Resistant Film
- Construction Project Management System (CPMS) software implementation
- Local Area Network (LAN) Upgrades
Also discussed during the meeting were:
- Upcoming board actions
- Financial summary
They also considered approvals for:
- Project Delivery Contract Award Methods
- Recommend architects for Phase 2 projects
- Purchase of locksmith, door parts and services
- Purchase of security intrusion, access control, CCTV and public address systems
The purchase of properties and the location and naming of facilities were discussed during executive session.
Watch the meeting recording below and see the meeting presentation for more details.
See the Board Bond Committee page for information about other meetings.
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