Bus Transportation
Determine if your child is eligible for bus transportation, how to register to ride the bus, and details about bus stops and rules.
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2024-25 Bus information
Back-To-School route information including bus number, stop time, and stop location will be available in Skyward starting Aug. 5 to parents of all eligible regular and special education students.
You must be eligible for transportation and register for the upcoming school year to have bus service. Route information will be located on two platforms:
- StopFinder Parent App – The app will provide bus tracking and bus assignment details. Look for an email from no-reply@stopfinder.com to set up your password and access the StopFinder Parent App. See more about the app in the Preview to StopFinder Parent App video. Note: If you activated StopFinder last year, no need to do it again.
- Skyward Family Access - After logging into Skyward Family Access, click on Online Forms to find transportation information. The information updates frequently as route times or locations change. Bus tracking is not available in Skyward Family Access.
Be sure to check your account regularly for any updates to bus information. Make sure the parent/guardian email address in Skyward is up to date. If you need to update your email, please contact your student's campus or Student Services.
Please note that during the first days of school, there may be some delays and all times are approximate.

Will my student get bus transportation to school?
Parents choose the school they want their children to attend during the Choice of School process, but transportation to the school you choose is not guaranteed.
The factors that determine bus transportation are:
- designated transportation eligibility area(s) for each school
- magnet program acceptance
- resides within the transportation zone for the assigned campus
You must be eligible for transportation and register for the upcoming school year to have bus service. Registration is open March-May each year.
Bus route information
Route information will be located on StopFinder and Skyward Family Access.
StopFinder Parent App
The app will provide bus tracking and bus assignment details. Look for an email from no-reply@stopfinder.com to set up your password and access the StopFinder Parent App. See more about this exciting improvement to our system in the Preview to StopFinder Parent App video.
Skyward Family Access
After logging into Skyward Family Access, click on "Online Forms" to find transportation information. The information updates frequently as route times or locations change. Bus tracking is not available in Skyward Family Access.
Be sure to check your account regularly for any updates and make sure your email address is up-to-date in Skyward. To update your email, contact your student's campus. Please note that during the first days of school and when returning from breaks, there may be some delays and all times are approximate.
How are bus stop locations determined?
We determine the placement of bus stops based on:
- student safety
- demographics
- walking distance to stop
- number of students riding the bus in the area
- Texas Education Agency (TEA) guidelines
Bus routes are designed to promote student safety while balancing stop pick-up time with on-time arrival for campus bell times. Elementary students may be required to walk up to ¼ of a mile to a bus stop. Secondary students may be required to walk up to ½ of a mile. Bus routes are designed to limit student ride time to no more than 50 minutes one-way if at all possible, however, most students ride under 40 minutes one-way.
A student’s bus stop may change from year to since all routes are designed for the students who are riding each new school year.
When do I have to be at the bus stop?
Students are required to be at their bus stop and ready to board the bus at least 5 (five) minutes prior to the scheduled stop time.
For after-school drop-off, Kindergarten students must be met by a parent/guardian/caregiver at the bus stop, or the student may be returned to school.
Students must respect the bus driver and follow their instructions. See bus rules and regulations.
When should I stop for a bus?


Multi-lane paved fully