Chelsey Cody

It is with immense pride that I announce the recipient of this esteemed award — our very own Coordinator of Technology Digital Learning in the Teaching and Learning Department, Ms. Chelsey Cody.
Ms. Cody embodies the essence of servant leadership, setting the highest example for all of us to follow. There is nothing that she coaches or asks of others that she has not been willing to do herself. Her dedication and commitment to her work are nothing short of inspirational.
Carmen Chadwick says, "Rowlett High School embarked on a Personalized Learning Pilot program last year. Our first year was a resounding success thanks to Chelsey's extraordinary efforts. It is no exaggeration to say that she went far beyond the call of duty in her role."
Her commitment to placing our campus and needs at the forefront, even when it meant deprioritizing her department's needs, speaks volumes about her dedication and leadership. Such selfless service is a testament to Chelsey's work ethic and undying commitment to our students and district.
As Carmen Chadwick eloquently says, 'Every time I leave an encounter with Chelsey, I feel energized and ready to take on the task at hand! She is the GISD Effect!' Chelsey's infectious enthusiasm and positivity are a true testament to her character.
Chelsey Cody, we present you with the Going the Extra Mile award for your unwavering commitment, innovative approach, inspiring leadership, impeccable work ethic, significant accomplishments, and extraordinary initiative.
Chelsey, you are a beacon of dedication, service, and leadership in Garland ISD. You have truly gone the extra mile, so we express our deepest gratitude. Thank you for your invaluable contributions to our district and inspiring us all.
Congratulations, Chelsey, and keep illuminating the path to excellence!