Leaves and Absences
Find an overview of the basic types of leave available and restrictions on leaves of absence.
Our district offers employees paid, partial paid, and unpaid leaves of absence in times of personal need.

Extended absences
Employees who are absent for more than 5 days should contact Human Resources for information about how their leave will affect their paychecks and for required paperwork.
Contact our Leaves Specialists at HR-Leave@garlandisd.net. Specialists are assigned by last name/job type:
- A-L: Jameka Peters
- M-Z: Paula Ferrell
- Auxiliary: Carlissa Thomas
Types of leave
Expand AllLocal/state leave
All full-time employees will earn five local leave days and five state personal leave days each school year if starting at the beginning of the school year.
Employees hired after the start of the school year will receive a lesser number of days depending on the total contract days for the remainder of the school year.
Local leave and State personal days can be used for any reason following approval from your principal/supervisor.
Contact Human Resources if you need to be off more than five consecutive days due to illness, surgery or temporary disability.
Temporary disability
Any full-time employee whose position requires certification from the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) is eligible for temporary disability leave. The purpose of temporary disability leave is to provide job protection to full-time educators who cannot work for an extended period of time because of a mental or physical disability of a temporary nature.
Temporary disability leave must be taken as a continuous block of time. It may not be taken intermittently or on a reduced schedule. Pregnancy and conditions related to pregnancy are treated the same as any other temporary disability.
Employees must request approval for temporary disability leave. An employee’s notification of need for extended absence due to the employee’s own medical condition shall be accepted as a request for temporary disability leave. The request must be accompanied by a physician’s statement confirming the employee’s inability to work and estimating a probable date of return.
If disability leave is approved, the length of leave is no longer than 180 calendar days. If an employee is placed on temporary disability leave involuntarily, he or she has the right to request a hearing before the Board of Trustees. The employee may protest the action and present additional evidence of fitness to work.
When an employee is ready to return to work, Human Resources should be notified at least 30 days in advance. The return-to-work notice must be accompanied by a physician’s statement confirming that the employee is able to resume regular duties. Certified employees returning from leave will be reinstated to the school to which they were previously assigned if an appropriate position is available. If an appropriate position is not available, the employee may be assigned to another campus, subject to the approval of the campus principal. If a position is not available before the end of the school year, the employee will be reinstated to a position at the original campus at the beginning of the following school year.
Family Medical Leave
The federal Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was passed by congress in 1993 to provide workers with job protection and continued health care benefits in cases of family or medical emergency. The FMLA also provides leave to Armed Forces families for “exigencies” due to being called to active duty and for caregiving responsibilities for injured or ill service members. To be eligible for FMLA GISD employees must have worked for the district for at least 12 months and have at least 1,250 hours of service in the 12 months before taking leave.
If eligible for FMLA
What does it give me?
Allows you to be off for a maximum of 12 weeks due to one of the following qualifying events:
- The birth of a child (including baby bonding) or placement of a child with you for adoption or foster care;
- Your own serious health condition;
- Because you are needed to care for your spouse, child, parent due to his/her serious health condition;
- Because of a qualifying exigency arising out of the fact that your spouse; son or daughter; parent is on active duty or status in support of a contingency operation as a member of the National Guard or Reserves;
- Because you are the spouse; son or daughter; parent; next of kin of a covered service member with a serious injury or illness.
Does this continue my pay during the 12 weeks?
- You will be required to use paid leave concurrently with FMLA.
- Use of Extended Leave is optional (if available) as long as rules for use of Extended Leave are met.
- Unpaid leave begins when paid leave is exhausted.
If not eligible for FMLA
How long can I be absent from work?
- For your own personal illness – your absence will be approved only for the time required for your recovery as certified by your physician.
- If your medical leave request is for a family member's illness for which your care of them is required – Your absence will be approved only for the time required as certified by your family member’s physician.
Extended leave
(Previously known as Supplemental Sick Leave)
Local policy provides a “safety net” of 30 days of Extended Leave which full-time employees may use after all other paid leave is exhausted. Less than full-time employees will be credited with Extended Leave based on the percentage of time worked.
Employees who have exhausted accumulated paid leave benefits may be granted Extended Leave as follows:
- Extended Leave will be applied automatically once all paid leave is exhausted for absences due to personal illness, family illness, family emergency or death in family. For an absences of more than 5 consecutive work days, medical documentation is required within 15 work days after the first day of absence.
- Extended Leave shall be granted for personal or immediate family illness or injury, family emergency, or death in the immediate family.
- Extended Leave shall not exceed a total of 30 days during employment in the district.
- Extended Leave is a partial pay leave. The cost of using Extended Leave is $100.00 per day for professional employees or $50.00 of ½ of the daily rate of pay for auxiliary and paraprofessional employees.
Family Medical Leave Process
If these conditions apply, you must contact Human Resources. See below for an overview of the process.
- Long term absence due to illness, maternity, disability
- Absence for more than five consecutive work days
Step 1: Employee requests Medical Leave of Absence
Employee completes these forms and sends to Human Resources:
Step 2: Human Resources responds to leave request
Employee is eligible for FMLA if:
- worked for district for at least 12 months and
- worked a minimum of 1,250 hours in the preceding 12 months prior to absence
If not eligible for FMLA, leave will be designated as Temporary Disability.
Human resources sends these documents to the employee:
- a Statement of Eligibility
- FMLA Rights & Responsibilities notice
- Doctor Certification forms, as appropriate
Step 3: Employee submits doctor forms
Employee returns doctor certification forms within 15 work days.
Step 4: Human Resources determines FMLA eligibility
Once all information is received Human Resources will officially designate the leave as Family Medical Leave or as temporary disability.
Step 5: Human Resources processes absences
Absences are worked a full month behind (i.e. September's absences show on November's paycheck). Time will be deducted from leave banks and payroll docks applied when necessary.
Step 6: Employee is released to return to work
Employee must submit to Human Resources a doctor's release allowing them to return to work as well as listing any restrictions the employee might have.