District accounts

Social media is a great way to stay up-to-date with your community, including your local schools. Our district social media accounts will be used to share important information, good news, school closings and upcoming events with parents, staff, students and the surrounding community.

Campus accounts

Our campuses manage their own social media accounts as well. See what's happening at your school by following their pages. We've maintained a list for your convenience below.


Abbett Elementary School Abbett_AllStars
Armstrong Elementary School AES_Aviators
Austin Academy for Excellence AA_Eagles
Back Elementary School back_bulldogs
Beaver Technology Center for Math & Science BeaverMST_Stars
Bradfield Elementary School BES_Cowboys
Bullock Elementary School Bullock_Bears
Bussey Middle School Bussey_Owlets
Caldwell Elementary School CES_Cardinals
Carver Elementary School Carver_Tigers
Cisneros Prekindergarten School Cisneros_Cubby
Classical Center at Brandenburg Middle School CCBMS_Braves
Classical Center at Vial Elementary School VialCC_Vikings
Club Hill STEM Elementary ClubHill_Cougar
Cooper Elementary School CES_Cougars
Couch Collegiate Prep Couch_Comets
Coyle Technology Center for Math & Science Coyle_Cougars
Daugherty Elementary School DES_Hornets
Davis Elementary School Davis_Dragons
Dorsey Elementary School Dorsey_Wildcats
Ethridge Elementary School Ethridge_Bobcat
Freeman at Golden Meadows Elementary School Freeman_Hawks
Garland High School GHS_Owls
Giddens-Steadham Elementary School Steadham_Eagles
Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center GR_CTC
GISD Alternative Education Center GAEC_Phoenix
Handley STEM Elementary Handley_Panther
Heather Glen Elementary School HGES_Roadrunner
Herfurth Elementary School Herfurth_Bronco
Hickman Elementary School Hickman_Rangers
Hillside Academy for Excellence Hillside_Eagles
Houston Middle School SHMS_Colts
Hudson Middle School Hudson_Hawks
Jackson Technology Center for Math & Science Jackson_Vikings
Keeley Elementary School Keeley_Cowboys
Kimberlin Academy for Excellence KA_Knights
Lakeview Centennial High School LCHS_Patriots
Liberty Grove Elementary School LGES_Gators
Lister Elementary School Lister_Lions
Luna Elementary School Luna_Lions
Lyles Collegiate Middle School LMS_Lumberjacks
Memorial Pathway Academy MPA_Jaguars
Montclair Elementary School MES_Roadrunners
Naaman Forest High School NFHS_Rangers
North Garland High School NGHS_Raiders
Northlake Elementary School NES_Eagles
O'Banion Middle School OBanion_Bisons
Parsons Prekindergarten School Parsons_Pandas
Pearson Elementary School Pearson_Ponies
Roach Elementary School Roach_Wranglers
Rowlett Elementary School Rowlett_Bobcats
Rowlett High School RHS_Eagles
Sachse High School SHS_Mustangs
Schrade Middle School Schrade_Falcons
Sellers Middle School Sellers_Sharks
Sewell Elementary School Sewell_Seahawks
Shorehaven Elementary School SES_Eagles
Shugart Elementary School Shugart_Sheriff
South Garland High School SGHS_Titans
Southgate STEM Elementary Southgate_Gator
Toler Elementary School Toler_Texans
Walnut Glen Academy for Excellence WGA_Leopards
Watson Technology Center for Math & Science Watson_Wildcats
Weaver Elementary School Weaver_Eagles
Webb Middle School Webb_Bears
Williams Elementary School WES_Wranglers


Back Elementary School BackElementarySchool
Caldwell Elementary School gisdcaldwellelementary
Carver Elementary School CarverTiger
Club Hill STEM Elementary gisdclubhillelementary
Cooper Elementary School GISDCooperElementary
Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center grctcgisd
Herfurth Elementary School HerfurthElementary
Hickman Elementary School gisdhickmanelementary
Hillside Academy for Excellence hillsideeagles
Kimberlin Academy for Excellence gisdkimberlinacademy
Lakeview Centennial High School LakeviewCentennialHighSchool
Liberty Grove Elementary School gisdlibertygrove
Lister Elementary School vernallisterelementary
Northlake Elementary School gisdnorthlakeelementary
O'Banion Middle School obanionms
Pearson Elementary School gisdpearsonelementary
Shorehaven Elementary School ShorehavenEagles20
Shugart Elementary School gisdshugartelementary
Southgate STEM Elementary gisdsouthgateelementary
Spring Creek Elementary School gisdspringcreekelementary
Toler Elementary School TolerElem
Weaver Elementary School gisdweaverelementary
Webb Middle School CecilWebbMiddleSchool
Williams Elementary School gisdwilliamselementary


Back Elementary School back_bulldogs
Carver Elementary School carver_tigers
Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center gr_ctc
O'Banion Middle School obanionms
Rowlett High School rhseagles2
Sachse High School SHS_Mustangs

Contact us

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