Enriched curriculum with an emphasis on Piano and the Arts
For students with an interest in classical studies, Garland ISD offers magnet programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
The Classical Center at Vial Elementary offers traditional elementary curriculum that has been “enriched” with writing/publishing opportunities, piano, art, theater arts, leadership development and citizenship/patriotism. The school is also one of the GISD elementary schools with a “standardized” dress code policy to enhance student pride.
- 50 percentile+ on reading and math achievement tests
- Pass STAAR (grades 3-5)
- Pass all subjects on report card
- No serious discipline issues
Qualifying students are entered into a lottery, and openings are filled in the order in which they are drawn. Students who wish to continue their classical education after completing the fifth grade must complete a magnet application during the magnet application window and select "continue in current program" to move on to the Classical Center at Brandenburg Middle School.