Classical & Career
The Classical & Career Magnet, housed at Lakeview Centennial High School, is designed to prepare motivated students for entering college.
Through advanced fine arts courses or career exploration, students have the opportunity to leave high school with the educational foundation and critical thinking skills to pursue future goals.
Programs in the magnet are available as part of two different strands:
- Career - This strand includes the Future Teacher Internship and Television and Broadcasting components.
- Classical - This strand is a continuation of the Classical magnet programs at Vial and Brandenburg.
See below for more information about specific components on the different strands.
More about program strands
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The career strand includes the following components:
Future Teacher Internship
Students in this program will plan and direct individualized and group activities, prepare instructional materials, assist with record keeping, make physical arrangements, and complete other responsibilities of a classroom teacher. Students will be involved in observations and direct student instruction. Students will experience a full range of education related career roles, grade levels, subject areas, and ability groups.
Television Production and Broadcasting
The Television Production Magnet is housed in the same facility as GRS-TV, and is designed to be a hands-on working laboratory for the student. The facility has a fully equipped production studio, and a broadcast quality control room where students work in a real-world studio environment. Students also work with a full range of field equipment, including field cameras, lighting and audio gear.
The “classical” strand of curriculum from the Classical Centers at Vial Elementary and Brandenburg Middle Schools expands to the high school level. In addition to the piano, dance, and gymnastics courses, LCHS offers a full range of fine arts courses including band, choir, art, and theatre arts.
- Piano Lab - Students will be instructed in both group and individual settings. Piano technique and theory is available from the beginner level to advanced. No previous experience is required.
- Dance - Students may participate in beginner to intermediate ballet and jazz. Advanced dance includes modern dance and tap dance, and finally performance dance, which requires an audition. Emphasis is placed on choreography, production, performance, and dance-related careers.
- Gymnastics - Students will participate in competitive meets on either the Varsity or JV teams. Students meet off-campus and transportation is provided. Gymnastics is offered from the beginner to advanced levels.
- Art, Band, Choir, &Theatre
Fine arts courses are available for all students. Auditions and additional requirements are necessary for individual programs.
Students must:
- be entering grades 9-10
- get 50th percentile on the reading and math achievement test
- pass STAAR/EOC
- passing grades in core subjects
- no serious discipline problems