Classical-Middle School
Enriched curriculum with an emphasis on Latin, Piano, and the Arts.
For students with an interest in classical studies, Garland ISD offers Classical magnet programs at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
The Classical Center at Brandenburg Middle School offers the traditional and honors/Pre AP curriculum with an emphasis on Latin and literature. In addition to the piano, dance and gymnastics courses, the school offers a full range of fine arts courses including band, choir, art and theatre arts.
- 50th percentile on reading and math achievement tests
- pass STAAR
- passing grades in core subjects
- no serious discipline issues
Qualifying students are entered into a lottery, and openings are filled in the order in which they are drawn. Qualifying incoming sixth grade students from the Classical Center at Vial are automatically accepted. Students in good standing from the Classical Center at Brandenburg are automatically accepted in the Classical strand of the Classical & Career magnet program at Lakeview Centennial High School.