Math, Science, Technology (MST)-Elementary
Technology-enhanced learning with a special emphasis on math and science
For students with a high interest in math, science and technology, Garland ISD offers the MST magnet program at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
Beaver and Watson Technology Centers for Math & Science are schools designed to attract students with a high interest in math, science, and technology. All subjects are taught with a heavy emphasis on classroom use of technology and hands-on problem solving. Students enjoy enriched learning opportunities such as planting in the greenhouse, forecasting the weather via the weather station and studying the stars in the portable planetarium.
- 75th percentile on reading and math achievement tests
- Report card grades of 80+ in math and science
- Pass all other subjects on report card
- Pass STAAR (grades 3-5)
- No serious discipline problems
Qualifying students are entered into a lottery, and openings are filled by applicants in the order in which they are drawn. Students who wish to continue their MST experience after completing fifth grade are accepted into Jackson Technology Center for Math & Science provided all qualifications continue to be met.