Math, Science, Technology (MST)-Middle School
Technology-enhanced learning with a special emphasis on math and science.
For students with a high interest in math, science and technology, Garland ISD offers the MST magnet program at the elementary, middle and high school levels.
For 6th-8th grade students enrolled in the MST program, courses use honors-level curriculum enriched through extensive computer use.
Students work in cooperative groups for “real world” hands-on problem-solving. In the school technology lab, students discover the excitement and promise of technology as it relates to everyday work and leisure.
Math, science and technology classes utilize various technology including Apple MacBooks, iPads, iPod touch, Smartboard technology, TI-Navigator, Flip video, as well as PC laptop computers.
- 75th percentile on reading and math achievement tests
- pass STAAR
- passing grades in all core subjects
- report card grades of 80+ in math and science
- no serious discipline problems
Qualifying students are entered into a lottery, and openings are filled in the order in which they are drawn. Qualifying incoming sixth grade students from Beaver or Watson Technology Centers are automatically accepted to Jackson Technology Center. Students who wish to continue their MST learning experience after completing eighth grade may choose to enter the magnet program at North Garland High School.