Admission, review and dismissal (ARD) process

An admission, review and dismissal (ARD) committee determines a child's eligibility for special education services and makes most of the major decisions about the child's special education placement and the services needed. If an ARD committee is formed for your child, you will be a member of that committee.

Learn more about the ARD process and your rights and responsibilities in this document created by the statewide leadership for The Legal Framework project team and the Texas Education Agency (TEA).

Notice of procedural safeguards

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) provides certain rights to the parents of children with disabilities. This document created by the Texas Education Agency (TEA) provides a full explanation of the procedural safeguards available under IDEA.

If you have any questions about the information in this document or need someone to explain it to you, reach out to one of the local special education contacts listed below.

Garland ISD

Region 10 Education Service Center

PATH Project

Video surveillance

We may record special education settings upon the request of a parent, the District’s Board of Trustees, or staff member for the purpose of promoting the safety of students with disabilities in these classrooms.

See our video surveillance page for more information.

Helpful websites

The Legal Framework
The Texas Education Agency and Region 18 Education Service Center partnered to provide a compilation of state and federal requirements for special education organized by topic.

Texas Project FIRST
Families, Information, Resources, Support & Training
Created by parents for parents, this website is designed to make it easy to find Texas Education Agency (TEA) information and resources specific to students with disabilities and their families.

Special Education in Texas A-Z Index
An index of Special Education related terms with links to appropriate information on The Texas Education Agency website.

Region 10 ESC
Region 10 Education Service Center, located in Richardson, provides school districts and charter schools in the northeast Texas area with professional development, programs, and services designed to improve student achievement and school district efficiency.

If you have questions about special education in Texas SPEDTex can help. SPEDTex provides information and resources that can help you understand your child’s disability, your rights and responsibilities under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and facilitate collaboration that supports the development and delivery of services to children with disabilities in our State.

TEA Parent-Directed Special Education Services (PDSES)
The PDSES program* is a one-time $1,500 online grant for parents/guardians of eligible students served by special education and who are enrolled in a Texas public school.

Parents/guardians of eligible students can use the online accounts to shop the marketplace to obtain educational materials and resources such as textbooks, curriculum, or technology devices and/or services such as additional speech therapy, tutoring, or other specific services.

*Formerly Supplemental Special Education Services (SSES)

Resources on Special Education in Texas

The Texas Education Agency provides resources for families on the topics listed below.


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support

Section 504

Contact us

For information and help with Special Education, contact: