Enroll a Student
Follow the four-step enrollment process to start your child's customizable and exceptional education experience at Garland ISD.
Welcome! We’re delighted that you’ve chosen to join the Garland ISD family. The enrollment process described below will mark the start of your child's customizable and exceptional education experience.
We encourage you to start the enrollment process early to help ensure your child secures a spot at the desired school or one near your home.
On this page

Step 1: Meet enrollment requirements
GISD welcomes all students located within school district boundaries for PreK-12 enrollment. To be eligible for kindergarten, a student must be at least 5 years old on or before Sept. 1 of the intended school year.
Learn more about kindergarten for your 5-year-old.
Interested in a program for your 3 or 4-year-old?
- See the prekindergarten eligibility page to learn if your 4-year-old is eligible for priority placement.
- See the Montessori magnet page for information about this tuition-based program.
- Contact the Special Education Department for information about our Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) program and other services.

Step 2: Explore our schools
We are a true choice district which means that during the enrollment process, you will have the opportunity to select several options for which school you would like your child to attend.
Take some time to explore our schools and the many exciting program offerings using the resources below.
School Directory
Avela Explore
Early Childhood
Magnet Programs
School Interest Finder
How Choice Works
Tips to Help You Choose
Step 3: Gather required information
Expand AllWhich documents are needed to enroll?
Have copies of the following documents to enroll:
- child's birth certificate (if available)
- child's immunization records (state law requires that students are current with immunizations to enroll in school)
- child's social security card (if available)
- child's recent report card (if applicable)
- previous school records with a copy of your student's Home Language Survey if you are enrolling in GISD for the first time
- proof of residency within our district boundaries
How provide proof of residency
To prove that you live within district boundaries, please provide either:
- home contract, lease agreement or mortgage/settlement statement*
- most current utility bill (water, gas or electric) in parent/guardian name*
*All proof of residency must show a service address and be dated within the last 30 days.
Note: If you are currently living with another person and the proof of residency is in that person's name, both you and that person will need to sign a notarized affidavit. This can be done at the Enrollment offices at the Manuel & Maria Valle Student Services.
- Download Affidavit for Proof of Residency (English)
- Download Affidavit for Proof of Residency (Spanish)
Don't live in district boundaries? See the Open Enrollment page.
Step 4: Enroll Online

PreK-12 for Current School Year (2024-25)

1-12 for Upcoming School Year (2025-26)
PreK-K for Upcoming School Year (2025-26)

What to expect during enrollment
Allow 30-45 minutes to complete a new student enrollment process per student. For an update on your enrollment status please reach out to your requested campus.
Note that some circumstances may require special forms, signatures of other parties or a notary.
Using the enrollment platform
Expand AllThe Skyward enrollment process
During the Skyward enrollment process, you will:
- Need an email address you can easily access.
- Receive your Skyward Family Access login and password, if you do not have one.
- Be asked to provide general information about your child on the New Student Online Enrollment Application.
- Complete the Choice of School/Preferences Form indicating the top three schools you would like your child to attend. If space is not available at your school choices/preferences, you may request placement on a waiting list. Student Services can help with finding an available school.
- See How to enroll using Skyward for more information.
Finalize the Enrollment Process
Enrollment is complete once documentation is reviewed and processed by district staff. We will process new student enrollment in the order in which online submissions were received. Parents will receive a confirmation email from the district once their New Student Online Enrollment is processed and approved.
Middle and High School Students
Secondary counselors or a counseling representative will contact middle and high school parents to facilitate the course selection based on transcripts or report cards from the student’s previous school. New middle school students are asked to review and complete the course planning document for the appropriate grade level to aid in this process. High school students and parents are encouraged to review the High School Graduation Guide and Course Guide to see all the course offerings available before meeting with the counselor.
Language testing
If your student’s home language is a language other than English, a language test will be
conducted at Student Services. This test is used to determine how to best meet your student’s needs and can take up to three hours depending on the age and ability level of your student.

Have questions?
Please note current and next year enrollment applications are processed at each campus. For further assistance, please contact your requested campus.
For questions about enrollment or school choice, send an email to AskStudentServices.
For questions, about magnet programs, send an email to GISDMagnetPrograms@garlandisd.net.

With the education Garland ISD afforded me, I was able to enter the legal field directly out of high school. The DECA program taught us leadership and the importance of business. We were able to help each other while working with a lot of different personalities in a competitive environment. This valuable experience helped me build my own law firm.