Career & Technical Education (CTE)
Career and Technical Education courses provide an introduction to specific career areas and options for further education or immediate employment.

GISD Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses are organized into fourteen career clusters, providing students an introduction to specific career areas and options for further education or immediate employment. These programs offer students the opportunity to earn industry certifications and college credit while in high school.
Within the fourteen clusters, there are a variety of programs of study with special options available at some of our magnet schools. Many of those programs are offered through the Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center, our specialized CTE learning facility that students can attend as part of their school schedule. By participating in one of our CTE course pathways, students will have the ability to participate in mentorships, internships, practicums and more.
Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSO) provide opportunities for leadership and citizenship development. Counselors are available at each high school to provide specialized course and career planning.
See our HS CTE Course descriptions, the Course Guides page, or our individual career cluster pages to learn more.
Explore CTE

Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources

Architecture and Construction

Arts, A/V Technology and Communications

Business, Marketing, and Finance

Education and Training



Hospitality and Tourism

Health Sciences

Human Services

Information Technology

Law and Public Service


Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

CTE is for everyone
All CTE opportunities will be offered without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, or disability.