About SEL

Social and Emotional Learning is the process of developing self-awareness, self-control, and interpersonal skills necessary for life. SEL builds relationship skills, self-awareness, social awareness, self-management and responsible decision making. In practice, SEL grows important soft skills like:

  • understanding and managing emotions

  • setting and achieving positive goals

  • feeling and showing empathy for others

  • establishing and maintaining positive relationships

  • making responsible decisions

Our mission is to help create an environment of equity and excellence in our schools. We do this using SEL by:

  • empowering learners by developing SEL skills
  • fostering open and equal environments
  • cultivating partnerships that help our community develop and thrive

We use the basics to guide our use of SEL in our district:

  • relationship building
  • developing student grit
  • creating engaging learning spaces
  • Whole Child Development

All campuses have selected activities that highlight these practices.  We target these building blocks in our instruction and through the three signature practices:

  • Welcoming activities
  • Engaging practices
  • Optimistic closures

SEL at home

We encourage families to use the “Three Signature Practices” at home similar to the school environment. When students see a respectful partnership between home and school that helps them, they are likely to have positive attitudes about school and be successful. Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) has a direct impact on creating connectedness among staff, students and parents.

Welcoming activities

  1. Say a good morning greeting to everyone in the house.
  2. Discuss what everyone in the family is grateful for before leaving the house.
  3. Have a morning affirmative phrase to say as a family for starting the day.

Engaging practices

  1. Cook a family meal together and eat together.
  2. Enjoy a weekly family game night.
  3. Allow your child to have a voice in expressing their emotions.
  4. Practice problem-solving skills and conflict resolution scenarios.

Optimistic closure

  1. Engage in a "Mindful Minute" before going to bed (see ideas in the Family Coping Kit resources below).
  2. Tell a family member what you appreciate about them before going to bed at night.
  3. Encourage each family member set a goal for the next day.

SEL Resources for families

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Stay updated with GISD SEL by following us @gisdsel on X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram.