Back-to-School FAQs
Find answers to common Back-to-School questions.
On this page

Back-to-School Call Center
Have questions or can't find the information you need? Our district will have a back-to-school call center available from July 23-Aug. 16 to help answer your questions.
Hours are Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-3:30 p.m.
Learn more about Back-to-School and procedures on our Back-to-School page.
Expand AllWhat school is my child enrolled in?
Please check your Skyward Family Access account.
Need help with Skyward? Email familyaccesshelp@garlandisd.net.
Will my student need a uniform?
See the Dress Code page for general guidelines regarding what to wear at school. Many of our elementary and middle schools also have a standardized dress policy. Visit the Standardized Dress page for more details and to see a list of participating campuses.
Where do I find the school supply list?
See the School Supplies page for information about supplies, including links to elementary and middle school supply lists.
Note: High schools do not have a supply list because the teachers provide this information in the course syllabus students receive on the first day of class. Consider starting them off with a notebook and pencils/pens to take notes on the first day of each class.
For additional questions about supplies, contact the campus directly or check the campus website.
What do I need to enroll my student?
These items are needed for enrollment:
- Birth Certificate
- Immunization record
- Valid Proof of Residency
- Parent/Guardian ID
- Social Security (optional)
- Previous school records (if applicable)
For more information about the enrollment process, see the Enroll a Student page.
What time does school start and where can I find the bell schedule?
See the School Hours page for information on your school's schedule, start time, and more.
Where can I get my students' schedule?
Please contact your student's school for their schedule.
Note: If the Back-to-School/Student Information Update forms are completed before Tuesday, Aug. 1, middle and high school students will be able to see their schedules in Skyward as soon as their campus makes them available.
Where can I update my address?
Go to your current campus to update your address.
You must have a valid proof of residency to show that you live within district boundaries. You can use these as proof:
- most recent electricity, water or gas bill
- apartment lease, home contract or mortgage/settlement statement
Be sure these documents show a service address and are dated within the last 30 days. They must be in the name of the parent/guardian.
My student stopped attending school last year. How can they start attending again or graduate?
Students that left the district during the previous year should re-enroll as new students in the district, even if they didn't go to another school. See the Enroll a Student page for information on enrolling using Skyward.
If the student was a dropout and is looking at options for graduation, please contact the Central Attendance Office at 972-494-8684 or email attendance@garlandisd.net.
My child can't attend the first day of school. What should I do?
Students that don't attend the first day of school will be marked as "No-Showed" and may lose their spot at their campus (elementary) or their selected class schedule (secondary).
Elementary parents can contact the campus to discuss options to hold their child's seat.
Secondary students will need to go to the office as soon as they are able to attend so staff can activate and provide them with a schedule.
I am caring for a child that is not mine. How can I enroll them in school?
You will need legal documentation that the student is under the care of someone that is not the parent/guardian. Please upload the documentation during the enrollment application.
See the Enroll a Student page for how to enroll.
Can my child be exempted from vaccines?
Yes, you can exempt your child from vaccines by filing an affidavit with the state and taking the original notarized document to the school.
Can I add documents to a submitted enrollment application?
You can add documents to your completed enrollment application by contacting the data clerk at your child's campus. They will forward your documents to the correct place at Student Services.
See the School Directory for your school's office information.
How can I schedule language testing for my child?
You can contact the language enrollment center after your child's enrollment is approved. Please reach out to Student Services.
How can I see if my child was promoted to the next grade?
Parents can see their student's grade level in Skyward. Retention meetings and notifications were completed during the 2022-23 school year before school ended.
Please reach out if you have grade placement questions.
- Returning students: Contact your campus.
- New to the district: Please contact the At-Risk Coordinator at 972-494-8684 or email attendance@garlandisd.net.
What schools offer bilingual programs?
Dual Language/One-Way (PreK-5)
- Abbett ES
- Back ES
- Beaver ES
- Bradfield ES
- Bullock ES
- Caldwell ES
- Carver ES
- Centerville ES
- Cisneros Pre-K (Spanish only)
- Club Hill ES
- Couch ES
- Cooper ES
- Davis ES
- Daugherty ES
- Dorsey ES
- Ethridge ES
- Freeman ES
- Giddens-Steadham ES
- Golden Meadows ES
- Handley ES
- Heather Glen ES
- Herfurth ES
- Hickman ES (PreK-4th grade only, Vietnamese)
- Hillside Academy for Excellence
- Liberty Grove (Pre-K only, Spanish)
- Lister ES ( K-5 Spanish and K-4 Vietnamese )
- Montclair ES
- Northlake ES
- Park Crest ES
- Parsons Pre-K (Spanish and Vietnamese)
- Pearson ES
- Roach ES
- Rowlett ES
- Southgate ES
- Stephens ES
- Shorehaven ES
- Shugart ES
- Spring Creek ES
- Toler ES
- Watson ES
- Walnut Glen Academy for Excellence
- Weaver ES
- Williams ES
Dual Language/Two-Way (K-5)
- Classical Center at Vial
Who do I contact if I think my child needs to be in a Special Education class?
You may contact the school counselor or educational diagnostician at your neighborhood school or call the Garland ISD Special Education Department at 972-487-3300.
For more information, see our Special Education Referral page.
How do I contact my child's counselor?
Please call your child's school. See our School Directory for school contact information.
You can also see a list of counselors on the Find Your Counselor page.
Back-to-School Forms and CEP schools
Expand AllWhy can't I fill out the Back-to-School/Student Information Update forms for my students?
Only the guardian listed as "Family 1 Guardian 1" has access to complete the Back-to-School/Student Information Update forms or any Skyward online forms.
How do I complete the Back-to-School forms?
Starting July 24, parents can log into Skyward Family Access to complete all of the Back-to-School/Student Information Update forms. You can find them all under the 2023-24 Student Information Update tab. See the Student Information Update Forms page for more information
Where can I find information about Free & Reduced-Price Lunch or CEP schools?
See our Free & Reduced-Price Meals page for extensive information about Free & Reduced-Price (F&RP) Meals and Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) Schools. You can find information like:
- How to determine if you need to apply for F&RP Meals
- How to apply for F&RP Meals
- The list of CEP schools
- How to provide income verification for CEP schools
For more information regarding lunch applications, contact Student Nutrition Services.
For technical support for SchoolCafe, contact their support line at 855-729-2328 or email customercare@schoolcafe.com.
Do I need a SchoolCafé account? How do I get one?
SchoolCafé is our meal management service that allows families to see school menus, apply for Free & Reduced-Price Meals, and provide income verification for Community Eligibility Provision schools. We also use SchoolCafé for:
- Making payments
- Setting up auto-pay
- Setting purchase restrictions
- Getting low-balance alerts
- Submitting meal applications
- Viewing letters, purchases and menus
Families can apply online on SchoolCafé or request a printed version at campuses or from Student Nutrition Services starting on July 24.
Where can I find a copy of the Code of Conduct or Student Handbook?
Both the Code of Conduct and Student Handbook are included in the Back-to-School/Student Information Update Forms and on the Policies page.
Expand AllHow do I enroll?
All enrollment is completed online. Visit the Enroll a Student page for information about how to enroll in our district.
How do I transfer schools or move my students to a different campus if I don't like their current assigned campus?
To transfer from one GISD school to another, please complete an in-district transfer form. See our School Transfers page for more information on in-district and other transfers.
Note: Being reassigned to a different in-district campus is not guaranteed.
When will I find out if my student has been called off from the waitlist?
A campus will contact you directly if your student is moved off the waitlist.
How do I withdraw my student?
We're sorry to see you go! To start the process, use the Withdrawal Request Form.
Be sure to print the page after you withdraw as it contains information you may need for your new school.
Why did my waitlist number change?
Sometimes your waitlist number may change (ex. from #4 to #6).
The waitlist changes based on distance and non-magnet siblings. Your line position may move when there are other students that selected the same campuses as you that live closer to the campus or already have a sibling there.
Why did I not get my first choice of school?
The student was placed based on your campus preferences. While our goal is to give everyone their top school choices, other factors can affect the final assignment, such as:
- How close a student lives to their choice
- The capacity of the building
- Teacher-to-Student ratios
If you wish to transfer your student from one Garland ISD school to another, please complete an in-district transfer form. Please note that being moved to the campus you are asking about is not guaranteed.
See our School Transfers page for more information.
What is a valid proof of residency? How can I get one if I do not have a lease in my name?
You must have a valid proof of residency to show that you live within district boundaries. You can use these as proof:
- most recent electricity, water or gas bill
- apartment lease, home contract or mortgage/settlement statement
Be sure these documents show a service address and are dated within the last 30 days. They must be in the name of the parent/guardian.
What if my name isn't on the lease?
If you are currently living with another person and the proof of residency is in that person's name, both you and that person will need to sign a notarized residency affidavit.
The proof of residency listed in the name of the person you are living with will be needed. This still needs to be dated within the last 30 days. This can be done at the enrollment offices at the Manuel & Maria Valle Student Services Center.
Learn more about the enrollment process on the Enroll a Student page.
Can I enroll my student if we live outside of the district?
We do allow students outside of the district to enroll in Garland ISD during a specific "open enrollment" period.
Open Enrollment is closed for the 2023-24 school year. Please see our Open Enrollment Application Process page and Open Enrollment page for more information.
How long does it take to approve an enrollment application?
Enrollment applications are processed in the order they are received. We are currently experiencing a high volume of enrollment applications, so wait times may be longer.
When will I get an update on my transfer request?
You will receive an email stating whether the transfer has been denied or approved.
Transfers take 7-10 business days and will be processed in the order they are received. Transfers will be approved based on seat availability for the campus and the grade requested.
We currently have a high volume of requests, so wait times may be longer.
Does Garland ISD offer virtual classes?
We do not offer virtual classes at this time.
Transportation/Campus programs
Expand AllCan my child get transportation?
See our Bus Transportation page for information on if you child is eligible for bus transportation.
For more information regarding transportation, contact our Transportation department at 972-494-8530 or email transportation@garlandisd.net.
What is a magnet school?
Magnet programs are specialized school programs that provide students with an intensive focus on a specific area of interest. Each magnet has criteria for students to be able to attend.
Learn more about our magnet programs on our Magnet Programs page or contact the Magnet Programs department.
How do I get my transcript?
See our Transcripts and Records page for instructions.
Why can my student not attend a closed campus?
Closed campuses are schools that have limited seats. These seats are reserved for students living in the feeder area of the campus.
If you do not live in the feeder area for the campus, typically your student can not attend it. There sometimes are a few exceptions.
How do I request a program change?
If you wish to change programs (ex. from Bilingual to ESL/GenED), please contact the administration at your current assigned campus.
Why can't my student attend Pre-K 3?
Garland ISD only offers regular Pre-K 4.
However, our Montessori Magnet program offers limited Pre-K 3 seats. These seats are usually taken during the Choice of School period. For 2023-24, these seats have been filled.
Expand AllHow can I get my Skyward login information? How can I reset my password?
Please select “forgot your login/password” on the Skyward Login page.

Can I add anyone to my student's Skyward account?
Only parents or legal guardians can be added to a student's Skyward.
Can I remove a parent from my student's Skyward account?
No. A court order that says to do so is needed to remove a parent from a student's Skyward account.