Student Information Update Forms
Find information about the important back-to-school Student Information Update forms families need to complete at the start of every school year.
When students come back to school each year, families are asked to verify or update contact information, select notification preferences, agree to guidelines on acceptable use of technology and more during the Student Information Update form process.
Process to complete the 2024-25 forms
Beginning July 22, 2024 parents can log in to Skyward Family Access to complete all forms. The forms are located in Skyward on the 2024-2025 Student Information Update tab.
If forms are completed online in Skyward before Tuesday, Aug. 6, middle and high school students will be able to see their schedules as soon as their campus makes them available.
See Completing Student Information Update Forms in Skyward page for detailed instructions.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
Expand AllDo I need to complete the Student Information Update forms?
Yes, the district needs updated information from the forms for every student each school year.
When are the forms due?
Forms can be completed through the first week of school.
Can we still see schedules early?
If forms are completed before Tuesday, Aug. 6, middle and high school students will be able to see their schedules as soon as their campus makes them available.
Does this process impact enrollment, campus placement or my student’s schedule?
No. The Student Information Update form completion process does not impact your student’s enrollment or schedule. Your child will not lose placement at their assigned campus.
What user ID and password do I use?
If you have an existing Family Access Account, you will use your existing log-in. Families that are new to the district or have not previously established a Family Access Account may contact your child’s school for your login credentials. You can review these steps to access your Family Access account on the Skyward Family Access Account page.
Who do I contact if I need help?
If you need help with your username or password, view this video tutorial for instructions on how to reset your password:
- English Login and password for Skyward Family Access
- Spanish Ingresar a su cuenta y reiniciar contraseña de Skyward GISD
If you need help with Skyward Family Access Account, contact FamilyAccessHelp@garlandisd.net.
If you need in-person assistance or access to a computer to complete the forms, please contact your child’s school.
Forms overview
View more information about each Student Information Update form in the list below to get an overview of what will be included in the form completion process.
Forms and information updates for 2024-25
*Form details are still being finalized for 2024-25
Some forms will be required documents to be signed and returned by all students and others are optional documents depending on student need or family preference. Note: There may be additional forms not listed here based on campus-specific needs.
Explanation of forms
Expand AllContact and family information changes
Emergency contact numbers can be updated online, however, if you notice incorrect information during the process, you will need to contact the school. A change of address will require proof of residency.
Skylert notifications
Skylert, also known as SchoolMessenger, is the communication program we use to communicate with families. Skylert helps the district distribute news to families through emails, phone and SMS text messages. Families can change how they receive notifications through Skyward Family Access during the Back-to-School forms process and throughout the year.
The Skylert link inside Skyward Family Access allows parents to choose how they are contacted for the following notifications:
- School emergencies (during school hours)
- Daily attendance (individual student absences)
- General information (general school news)
- Weather-related alerts (during non-school hours)
Health information updates
You will have the opportunity to request changes to your child health information in Skyward as part of the Back-to-School Forms process.
Emergency Consent
Should your child become seriously ill or injured at school and you cannot be reached, this will allow or deny permission for Garland ISD to consent to emergency care on your behalf.
Disclosure of Directory Information
Notice regarding directory information and parent's response regarding release of student information.
Objection to the Release of Student Information to Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Education
For secondary students only.
Attendance Agreement
Agreement required for all students to ensure good attendance. Please read carefully and sign.
1:1 Technology Student Handbook
Review the 1:1 Technology Program Handbook. This program is available for all PreK-12th grade students and provides students with access to digital resources and instructional tools.
Acceptable Use Policy
Acknowledges that you and your student have read and discussed the Acceptable Use Policy for district-provided technology resources and the guidelines for bringing personal technology devices to school.
Student Residency Questionnaire
Two-page form required as part of No Child Left Behind (NCLB).
Military-Connected Student Form
For students who are military dependents.
Hazel Health Registration
Hazel Health, which is a virtual platform to connect with healthcare providers, is a free service for our students. They provide physical and mental health support both onsite and at home. You must register with Hazel Health to utilize this service.
Notice of Intent to Provide Prevention Education for Student Safety
Notice to provide parents and guardians the opportunity to opt-in or opt-out of preventative education for student safety lessons provided by the school counselor.
Human Sexuality & Responsibility Opt-in form
Annual Notice of Human Sexuality and Responsibility
Dear Parent or Guardian:
The Garland Independent School District Board of Trustees and School Health Advisory Council have approved the curriculum to be used in classrooms for the 2024-2025 school year. The district’s School Health Advisory Council is appointed by the Board of Trustees and is comprised of parents, community, and district staff members to ensure local community values are reflected in the district’s health education instruction. The approved curriculum meets 100% of the Texas Essential Knowledge Skills (TEKS) for Health. This includes required sensitive topics used in the district’s human sexuality instruction relating to the prevention of child abuse, family violence, dating violence, and sex trafficking.
All Garland ISD students enrolled in a Health class will receive age-appropriate lessons on Human Sexuality and Responsibility (HSR) and prevention. The HSR unit will be taught to students enrolled in a Health class in grades 3-6 and 9-12 during the Fall semester, and students in grades 9-12 enrolled in a high school Health I course during the Spring semester. Physical education courses include health in grades K-8. Health is a graduation requirement for high school students. You may access Skyward to see if your student is enrolled in a Health course in high school and/or physical education course in grades K-8. Parent notification letters will be sent out at least two weeks prior to the start of human sexuality instruction. Parents must provide written consent for students to participate in HSR lessons by opting in. Under Texas law, you may exempt your student from participating in the district’s human sexuality instruction by opting out.
Students will not be allowed to participate in any HSR instruction without written parental consent. Students will not be subject to any disciplinary action or academic penalty, and will be assigned alternative assignments during HSR instruction.
Human Sexuality Instruction Requirements Under State Law
The selected Human Sexuality and Responsibility curriculum is compliant with Section 28.004 of the Texas Education Code, and in accordance, will:
- Present abstinence from sexual activity as the preferred choice of behavior in relationship to all sexual activity for unmarried persons of school age.
- Devote more attention to abstinence from sexual activity than to any other behavior.
- Emphasize that abstinence from sexual activity, if used consistently and correctly, is the only method that is 100 percent effective in preventing pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, infection with HIV/AIDS, and the emotional trauma associated with adolescent sexual activity.
- Direct adolescents to a standard of behavior in which abstinence from sexual activity before marriage is the most effective way to prevent pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and infection with HIV/AIDS.
- Teach contraception and condom use in terms of human use reality rates instead of theoretical laboratory rates.
- Not distribute condoms in connection with instruction relating to human sexuality.
Instruction & Content Summary
The district’s human sexuality and responsibility curriculum provides information and skill development in physical, emotional, mental and social health. The unit is aligned to the National Sexuality Education Standards which includes content on healthy relationships, personal safety, identity, anatomy and physiology, puberty, reproduction and sexually transmitted diseases. Topics are introduced and presented at age-appropriate grade levels.
As required by state law and GISD Board Policy EHAA (Legal) and (Local), abstinence will remain the focus of all appropriate grade level lessons.
Visit the GISD Health & Physical Education web page for unit overviews by grade level and other related resources.
Curriculum Review
Under Texas Education Code 28.004, parents have the right to review or purchase curriculum materials related to human sexuality instruction at the same price paid by the school district. According to state law and district policy, parents may review curriculum at their student’s campus during regular hours of operation of the campus following a written request to the principal. Some of the materials are copyrighted, therefore, parents may be required to go to the campus to view these materials or they may request electronic access for digital materials, when applicable.
Visit the GISD Health & Physical Education webpage for more information.
Opportunities for Parent Involvement
Parents or guardians have the opportunity to be involved in the development or selection of the health curriculum used in human sexuality instruction. The School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) meets regularly throughout the school year and meetings are open to the public. According to the GISD Board Policy EHAA (Legal) and (Local), the School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) shall annually review and recommend any changes to the current health education curriculum, including human sexuality education or any new program to be implemented to the district. The SHAC shall hold two public meetings if any curriculum is being adopted or revised.
Visit the GISD Coordinated School Health webpage for more information regarding the School Health Advisory Council.
Grievance Procedures
A parent may use the grievance procedure concerning a complaint of a violation of notice requirements using FNG(Local). A copy of this policy may be obtained on the district website. Parents may also use the appeals process under Texas Education Code Section 7.057.
Human Sexuality & Responsibility Instruction Opt-In
Parents of students in grades 3-12 will receive a notification to complete the Health Human Sexuality & Responsibility Opt-In Form electronically. Using this form, parents will have the ability to opt their student in or opt their student out of human sexuality and responsibility instruction in their health class.
See instructions here to complete the form: HSR Opt-In Form Instructions
Please visit the Garland Independent School District Health and Physical Education web page for more information regarding health human sexuality and responsibility curriculum.
Thank you,
GISD Health & Physical Education Department
Download a copy of the Annual Notice of Human Sexuality and Responsibility Letter 24-25
Permission to see Responsive Services Counselor
Gives consent for a Responsive Services mental health professional to provide short-term counseling for a student.
Translation Volunteer Application
Join our Translation & Interpretation Volunteer Group – Help bridge language barriers!
Apply now to become a valued volunteer translator or interpreter, utilizing your bilingual skills to provide simple interpretations or translations for parent meetings and special events. We welcome individuals fluent in languages other than English who are eager to support our diverse community. Interpretation opportunities primarily occur on weekdays and evenings, with occasional involvement during Saturday special events. Take this chance to make a meaningful difference through language!
Texas Migrant Education Program
The purpose of the Migrant Education Program (MEP) is to design and support programs that help migrant students overcome the challenges of mobility, cultural and language barriers, social isolation, and other difficulties associated with a migratory lifestyle.
These efforts are aimed at helping migrant students succeed in school and successfully transition to postsecondary education or employment. This program is free of charge to all eligible families and may include:
- tutoring
- school supplies
- homework tools
- clothing/school uniforms
- free lunch eligibility
- summer programs
- parent involvement activities
The survey asks about your recent experience related to finding temporary or seasonal work in agriculture, job packing, processing, harvesting or cultivating crops, food processing, dairy work, forestry or fishing.
2024-2025 Free and Reduced Meal Application Form
This form allows parents to apply for free and reduced-price meals. Log in to School Café to complete the application.
See the Free and Reduced-Price Meals page for more information.
Internet Questionnaire
About home internet connections.
Library Young Adult Book Permission Form
Regarding permission for secondary students to check out Young Adult (YA) books for school libraries.